Does pair work facilitate grammar learning? Text editing and dictogloss tasks in a vocational-technical school




Liaudanskaite, Vija


Acceso abierto / Sarbide irekia
Trabajo Fin de Máster / Master Amaierako Lana

Project identifier


In recent years, there has been an increasing interest among language teachers and researchers in pair work and its effect on language learning. Recent evidence suggests that students can benefit from working in pairs or small groups in many ways. However, previous studies have not treated the impact of pair work and its effect on grammar learning in much detail. The present study sets off to examine grammar learning among 34 vocational-technical school ESL learners of intermediate and pre-intermediate level performing dictogloss and text editing tasks in pairs. Two commonly used structures, Present Simple Passive and Time Clauses, in the vocational-technical English context were examined. All students did a pre-test in order to test their previous knowledge on these forms; and after the treatment, experimental tasks were performed. Students were divided in to two groups. Each group had a different version of dictogloss and text editing task. Students were recorded while conducting experimental tasks and after analyzing their LREs (Language Related Episodes) a tailor-made post-test was created. The findings showed that pair work had a positive effect on grammatical accuracy. Text editing task was proven to be more effective among low-proficiency students. It generated more form-focused LREs and created more language learning opportunities and, therefore, it was more conducive to learning.



Collaboration, Pair work, Grammar, L2, LREs, Dictogloss, Text editing, Vocational training



Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales / Giza eta Gizarte Zientzien Fakultatea


Máster Universitario en Profesorado de Educación Secundaria por la Universidad Pública de Navarra, Bigarren Hezkuntzako Irakasletzako Unibertsitate Masterra Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoan

Doctorate program

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