Extended assessment of sprinkler irrigation uniformity in greenhouses using GIS and hydraulic modeling

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Acceso abierto / Sarbide irekia
Artículo / Artikulua
Versión publicada / Argitaratu den bertsioa

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Traditionally, distribution uniformity has been obtained by using rain gauges, which makes it a very expensive process. This paper sought to create a simulation strategy using QGIS and EPANET, both free software, that allowed the simulation of the water application results of all the emitters of an irrigation installation. In this way, it was possible to obtain the geospatial representation of the applied water and finally to know the distribution uniformity in the whole installation. The simulation finally fulfilled its objective and was compared with a study of distribution uniformity with rain gauges. The biggest difference between the measured and simulated data was a difference of 5.76% among the sectors. The simulated uniformity was very similar to the measured uniformity, which allowed us to affirm that the proposed simulation methodology was adequate. We believe that the methodology proposed in this article could be very useful in improving the management of sprinkler irrigation systems, particularly those in which distribution uniformity is of special importance. These improvements in management can also result in savings in water and other inputs, which are becoming increasingly important in the current context of climate change and the reduction in the impact of agriculture on the environment. Finally, similar studies could be carried out with the same tools for other pressurized irrigation systems, such as sprinkler irrigation outside greenhouses and drip irrigation.


EPANET, Irrigation system evaluation, QGIS


Ingeniaritza / Institute on Innovation and Sustainable Development in Food Chain - ISFOOD / Ingeniería



Doctorate program

Editor version

Funding entities

Research Initiation Grant of the Public University of Navarra for master's students who develop their Master's Thesis (TFM) in the field of research institutes and in Navarrabiomed, academic year 2021-2022 (Res 602/2022)

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