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Publication Open Access 25 years of continuous sewage sludge application vs. mineral fertilizers on a calcareous soil affected pH but not soil carbonates(Frontiers Media, 2022) De Soto García, Isabel Sonsoles; Zamanian, Kazem; Urmeneta Martín-Calero, Henar; Enrique Martín, Alberto; Virto Quecedo, Íñigo; Zientziak; Estatistika, Informatika eta Matematika; Institute on Innovation and Sustainable Development in Food Chain - ISFOOD; Ciencias; Estadística, Informática y Matemáticas; Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate PublikoaInorganic and organic fertilizers have been widely used to maintain crop yields. However, several studies have demonstrated that the dissolution of carbonates in agricultural soils by the acidification induced by N-fertilizers can result in their total or partial loss in the tilled layer of some agricultural soils. The effect of inorganic and organic fertilization on carbonates in calcareous semiarid Mediterranean soils has been less studied and is still unclear. Based on a 25-year field experiment, we investigated the effects of different fertilization strategies on the soil pH, inorganic C content, and in the proportion of pedogenic carbonates in the topsoil (0-30 cm) of a carbonate-rich soil in Navarre (N Spain). Five treatments were compared: no amendments as a control (SC), mineral fertilization (MF), and the application of sewage sludge at different doses (80 Mg ha-1 every year (80-1), 40 Mg ha-1 every year (40-1) and 40 Mg ha-1 every four years (40-4). Results showed a decrease in soil pH values by increasing the amount of sewage sludge and a small alteration in the calcite structure particularly in 40-4. However, no significant differences between treatments were found in the total content of carbonates nor in the proportion of pedogenic carbonates. The high concentration of total carbonates in the soil (16.09 ± 0.48%), and of the proportion of pedogenic carbonates (40.21 ± 1.29%, assuming a δ13C of primary carbonates = 0 ‰) seemed elevated enough to compensate for the observed acidification in the studied soil. In the case of MF, no changes were observed in the pH values, nor in the carbonate content (total and pedogenic). This suggests that the use of sewage sludge could induce changes in the future at a faster rate and of greater dimension than the use of mineral fertilizers such as the ones used in this field (46% urea, superphosphate and ClK).Publication Open Access 3D-printable composites for magnetic refrigeration based on Ni-Mn-In-Co shape memory alloys(2023) Khanna, Deepali; Pérez de Landazábal Berganzo, José Ignacio; Sánchez-Alarcos Gómez, Vicente; Ciencias; ZientziakLas aleaciones con memoria de forma metamagnética (MMSMA) Ni-Mn-Z (Z = In, Sn y Sb) han atraído un gran interés en las últimas décadas debido a sus propiedades asociadas con una transformación estructural llamada Transformación Martensítica (MT) entre un fase austenítica ferromagnética y una fase martensítica débilmente magnética. Como resultado, se produce una variación significativa de la magnetización durante la transformación martensítica. Esta característica permite la inducción de la transformación mediante la aplicación de un campo magnético, lo que da lugar a propiedades multifuncionales tales como la magneto-resistencia gigante, el efecto de memoria de forma magnético y un gran efecto magnetocalórico inverso. Estas propiedades tienen aplicaciones prácticas en detección y refrigeración magnética. Las temperaturas de transformación, la magnetización de las distintas fases, el cambio de entropía asociado a la transformación y otras características magneto-estructurales que determinan las propiedades funcionales dependen de la composición, estructura y microestructura de las aleaciones. Si bien la estructura y la composición (incluido el orden atómico) se han analizado ampliamente, el papel de la microestructura ha recibido menos atención, a pesar de su potencial para controlar las propiedades magneto-estructurales. Por lo tanto, esta tesis doctoral se centra por un lado en examinar la influencia de la microestructura (específicamente en Ni-Mn-In codopado) en las propiedades magneto-estructurales de las micro-partículas producidas por molienda. Por otro lado, el alto MCE que demuestran las aleaciones de Ni-Mn-In-Co las convierte en un material atractivo para su uso en tecnologías de eficiencia energética. Sin embargo, estas aleaciones son muy quebradizas y su uso en dispositivos comerciales (por ejemplo, intercambiadores de calor) se limita a geometrías simples. Para superar este problema, el presente trabajo de tesis demuestra que el uso de compuestos sintetizados empleando micropartículas con memoria de forma magnética (funcionalidad) y polímeros (integridad geométrica) podría ser una alternativa en el futuro. El objetivo principal es poder obtener micro-partículas con propiedades funcionales mejoradas (tamaños compatibles con una boquilla de impresora 3D estándar) que se puedan incrustar en una matriz polimérica que dé como resultado un compuesto magnético imprimible en 3D homogéneo. En este marco, se emplearon tratamientos termo-mecánicos (que incluyen trituración manual, molienda de bolas y recocido térmico) para producir micro-partículas de Ni45Co5Mn36.7In13.3. Se ha analizado la influencia d la molienda mecánica en las propiedades estructurales y magnéticas (características de la MT, estructuras cristalográficas, magnetización de saturación y susceptibilidad magnética) y en los parámetros microestructurales como las tensiones internas y los tamaños de cristalitos de las micropartículas. El análisis se realizó en muestras molidas tanto en austenita como en martensita y sometidas a diferentes tiempos de molienda. Se logró una comprensión más profunda del papel que desempeña la microestructura en las propiedades magneto-estructurales de estas aleaciones meta-magnéticas con memoria de forma. Para cada tiempo de molienda, las partículas se tamizaron en diferentes intervalos de tamaño y se realizó un análisis comparativo de los parámetros magnetoestructurales y microestructurales de las partículas dentro del mismo rango de tamaño. La correlación entre el grado de deformación y el tamaño de partícula abrió nuevas posibilidades para mejorar las propiedades funcionales de las aleaciones, donde con la mera selección del tamaño de partícula (independientemente de la duración, el tiempo y el entorno de la molienda), se puede seleccionar unas propiedades magneto-estructurales específicas con características de transformación definidas. Se ha estimado el MCE y el poder refrigerante de aquellas partículas aptas para ser embebidas en filamentos poliméricos imprimibles. Finalmente, se llevó a cabo la fabricación de compuestos magnéticos en base a mezclas polímero-MMSMA. Se ha analizado el efecto de la adición de las micropartículas sobre las transformaciones de fase y la estabilidad térmica de los polímeros. Los filamentos se extruyeron a partir de los materiales compuestos con una alta concentración de partículas y se obtuvo una adecuada consistencia mecánica. También se demostró la capacidad de impresión de estos filamentos. Como prueba de concepto, se imprimió un intercambiador de calor en 3D para refrigeración magnética utilizando el filamento desarrollado.Publication Open Access 4-Hydroxy-4-methylpent-1-en-3-one(Wiley, 2019) Palomo, Claudio; Oiarbide, Mikel; García Castillo, Jesús María; Ciencias; Zientziak[22082-43-5] C6H10O2 (MW 114.14) InChI = 1S/C6H10O2/c1-4-5(7)6(2,3)8/h4,8H,1H2,2-3H3 InChIKey = CANVUQXZGKVFSR-UHFFFAOYSA-N (electrophilic alkene used as an equivalent of acrylic acid and derived esters in Diels–Alder and 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reactions, as well as conjugate addition reactions of carbon-centered nucleophiles, and also used as a surrogate of acrolein and vinyl ketones)Publication Open Access 5ª Edición de la Escuela de Verano de Ecología de la UPNA (2019)(Asociación Española de Ecología Terrestre (AEET), 2019) Blanco Vaca, Juan Antonio; Ciencias; ZientziakNoticia de la celebración de la quinta edición de la Escuela de Verano de Ecología de la Universidad Pública de Navarra (UPNA), del 26 al 28 de junio de 2019, en el Museo de Educación Ambiental del Ayuntamiento de Pamplona (Navarra), bajo el título 'Usando la biomasa forestal como fuente de energía renovable'.Publication Open Access 6ª Edición de la Escuela de verano de Ecología de Navarra. Cambio global y paisajes resilientes(Asociación Española de Ecología Terrestre (AEET), 2020) Canals Tresserras, Rosa María; Candel Pérez, David; Agronomía, Biotecnología y Alimentación; Agronomia, Bioteknologia eta Elikadura; Ciencias; ZientziakDel 7 al 9 de septiembre de 2020 tuvo lugar en formato semipresencial la 6ª edición de la Escuela de Verano de Ecología de Navarra de la Universidad Pública de Navarra (UPNA) con el título Cambio global y paisajes resilientes.Publication Open Access 7ª Edición de la Escuela de verano de Ecología de Navarra: 'Biodiversidad, interacciones bióticas y funciones ecosistémicas'(Asociación Española de Ecología Terrestre (AEET), 2021) Rodríguez Pérez, Javier; Blanco Vaca, Juan Antonio; Ciencias; ZientziakNoticia de la celebración de la séptima edición de la Escuela de Verano de Ecología de Navarra, celebrada el 2 de septiembre de 2021, en la que se impartieron cuatro ponencias.Publication Open Access 8ª Edición de la Escuela de verano de Ecología de Navarra: ecólogas/os por un día(Asociación Española de Ecología Terrestre, AEET, 2022) Imbert Rodríguez, Bosco; Blanco Vaca, Juan Antonio; Ciencias; Zientziak; Institute for Multidisciplinary Research in Applied Biology - IMABDurante los pasados 23 y 24 de junio tuvo lugar la 8ª edición de la Escuela de Verano de Ecología de Navarra de la Universidad Pública de Navarra (UPNA) con el título ‘Ecólogas/os por un día’. En la jornada se impartieron cuatro ponencias por parte de los miembros del grupo de investigación de Ecología y Medio Ambiente de la Universidad Pública de Navarra, pero la mayor parte del tiempo se dedicó al trabajo de campo en el parque. En dicho trabajo de campo los asistentes pudieron trabajar tres temas diferentes: el estudio de las comunidades vegetales en pastos, el estudio de la estructura de una comunidad arbórea y la observación y estimación de censos de aves. Los trabajos incluyeron la demostración y familiarización de los estudiantes con las distintas técnicas y aparatos para medir variables ambientales como luz ambiental, temperatura del suelo, humedad del suelo, diámetro y altura de árboles, así como las técnicas para realizar inventarios florísticos o de fauna.Publication Open Access Accurate thermal prediction model for building-integrated photovoltaics systems using guided artificial intelligence algorithms(Elsevier Ltd, 2022) Serrano-Luján, Lucía; Toledo, Carlos; Colmenar, José Manuel; Abad, José; Urbina Yeregui, Antonio; Zientziak; Institute for Advanced Materials and Mathematics - INAMAT2; CienciasProgress in development of building-integrated photovoltaic systems is still hindered by the complexity of the physics and materials properties of the photovoltaic (PV) modules and its effect on the thermal behavior of the building. This affects not only the energy generation, as its active function and linked to economic feasibility, but also the thermal insulation of the building as part of the structure's skin. Traditional modeling methods currently presents limitations, including the fact that they do not account for material thermal inertia and that the proposed semi-empirical coefficients do not define all types of technologies, mounting configuration, or climatic conditions. This article presents an artificial intelligence-based approach for predicting the temperature of a poly-crystalline silicon PV module based on local outdoor weather conditions (ambient temperature, solar irradiation, relative outdoor humidity and wind speed) and indoor comfort parameters (indoor temperature and indoor relative humidity) as inputs. A combination of two algorithms (Grammatical Evolution and Differential Evolution) guides to the creation of a customized expression based on the Sandia model. Different data-sets for a fully integrated PV system were tested to demonstrate its performance on three different types of days: sunny, cloudy and diffuse, showing relative errors of less than 4% in all cases and including night time. In comparison to Sandia model, this method reduces the error by up to 11% in conditions of variability of sky over short time intervals (cloudy days).Publication Open Access Acid-catalyzed etherification of glycerol with tert-butanol: reaction monitoring through a complete identification of the produced alkyl ethers(MDPI, 2023) Cornejo Ibergallartu, Alfonso; Reyero Zaragoza, Inés; Campo Aranguren, Idoia; Arzamendi Manterola, María Cruz; Gandía Pascual, Luis; Ciencias; Zientziak; Institute for Advanced Materials and Mathematics - INAMAT2Higher tert-Butyl glycerol ethers (tBGEs) are interesting glycerol derivatives that can be produced from tert-butyl alcohol (TBA) and glycerol using an acid catalyst. Glycerol tert-butylation is a complex reaction that leads to the formation of five tBGEs (two monoethers, two diethers, and one triether). In order to gain insight into the reaction progress, the present work reports on the monitoring of glycerol etherification with TBA and p-toluensulfonic acid (PTSA) as homogeneous catalysts. Two analytical techniques were used: gas chromatography (GC), which constitutes the benchmark method, and( 1)H nuclear magnetic resonance (H-1 NMR), whose use for this purpose has not been reported to date. A method for the quantitative analysis of tBGEs and glycerol based on H-1 NMR is presented that greatly reduced the analysis time and relative error compared with GC-based methods. The combined use of both techniques allowed for a complete quantitative and qualitative description of the glycerol tert-butylation progress. The set of experimental results collected showed the influence of the catalyst concentration and TBA/glycerol ratio on the etherification reaction and evidenced the intrinsic difficulties of this process to achieve high selectivities and yields to the triether.Publication Open Access Acoustic and psychoacoustic levels from an internal combustion engine fueled by hydrogen vs. gasoline(Elsevier, 2022) Arana Burgui, Miguel; San Martín Murugarren, Ricardo; Urroz Unzueta, José Carlos; Diéguez Elizondo, Pedro; Gandía Pascual, Luis; Zientziak; Ingeniaritza; Institute for Advanced Materials and Mathematics - INAMAT2; Ciencias; Ingeniería; Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate PublikoaWhereas noise generated by road traffic is an important factor in urban pollution, little attention has been paid to this issue in the field of hydrogen-fueled vehicles. The objective of this study is to analyze the influence of the type of fuel (gasoline or hydrogen) on the sound levels produced by a vehicle with an internal combustion engine. A Volkswagen Polo 1.4 vehicle adapted for its bi-fuel hydrogen-gasoline operation has been used. Tests were carried out with the vehicle when stationary to eliminate rolling and aerodynamic noise. Acoustics and psychoacoustics levels were measured both inside and outside the vehicle. A slight increase in the noise level has only been found outside when using hydrogen as fuel, compared to gasoline. The increase is statistically significant, can be quantified between 1.1 and 1.7 dBA and is mainly due to an intensification of the 500 Hz band. Loudness is also higher outside the vehicle (between 2 and 4 sones) when the fuel is hydrogen. Differences in sharpness and roughness values are lower than the just-noticeable difference (JND) values of the parameters. Higher noise levels produced by hydrogen can be attributed to its higher reactivity compared to gasoline.Publication Open Access Additional carbon inputs to reach a 4 per 1000 objective in Europe: feasibility and projected impacts of climate change based on century simulations of long-term arable experiments(Copernicus, 2021) Bruni, Elisa; Guenet, Bertrand; Huang, Yuanyuan; Clivot, Hugues; Virto Quecedo, Íñigo; Farina, Roberta; Kätterer, Thomas; Ciais, Philippe; Martin, Manuel; Chenu, Claire; Ciencias; ZientziakThe 4 per 1000 initiative aims to maintain and increase soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks for soil fertility, food security, and climate change adaptation and mitigation. One way to enhance SOC stocks is to increase carbon (C) inputs to the soil. In this study, we assessed the amount of organic C inputs that are necessary to reach a target of SOC stocks increase by 4‰yr-1 on average, for 30 years, at 14 long-term agricultural sites in Europe. We used the Century model to simulate SOC stocks and assessed the required level of additional C inputs to reach the 4 per 1000 target at these sites. Then, we analyzed how this would change under future scenarios of temperature increase. Initial stocks were simulated assuming steady state. We compared modeled C inputs to different treatments of additional C used on the experimental sites (exogenous organic matter addition and one treatment with different crop rotations). The model was calibrated to fit the control plots, i.e. conventional management without additional C inputs from exogenous organic matter or changes in crop rotations, and was able to reproduce the SOC stock dynamics. We found that, on average among the selected experimental sites, annual C inputs will have to increase by 43.15±5.05%, which is 0.66±0.23MgCha-1yr-1 (mean±standard error), with respect to the initial C inputs in the control treatment. The simulated amount of C input required to reach the 4‰ SOC increase was lower than or similar to the amount of C input actually used in the majority of the additional C input treatments of the long-term experiments. However, Century might be overestimating the effect of additional C inputs on SOC stocks. At the experimental sites, we found that treatments with additional C inputs were increasing by 0.25% on average. This means that the C inputs required to reach the 4 per 1000 target might actually be much higher. Furthermore, we estimated that annual C inputs will have to increase even more due to climate warming, that is 54% more and 120% more for a 1 and 5C warming, respectively. We showed that modeled C inputs required to reach the target depended linearly on the initial SOC stocks, raising concern on the feasibility of the 4 per 1000 objective in soils with a higher potential contribution to C sequestration, that is soils with high SOC stocks. Our work highlights the challenge of increasing SOC stocks at a large scale and in a future with a warmer climate.Publication Open Access Additive effects of heatwave and water stresses on soybean seed yield is caused by impaired carbon assimilation at pod formation but not at flowering(Elsevier, 2022) Soba Hidalgo, David; Arrese-Igor Sánchez, César; Aranjuelo Michelena, Iker; Institute for Multidisciplinary Research in Applied Biology - IMAB; IdAB. Instituto de Agrobiotecnología / Agrobioteknologiako Institutua; Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate PublikoaHeatwave (HW) combined with water stress (WS) are critical environmental factors negatively affecting crop development. This study aimed to quantify the individual and combined effects of HW and WS during early reproductive stages on leaf and nodule functioning and their relation with final soybean seed yield (SY). For this purpose, during flowering (R2) and pod formation (R4) soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.) plants were exposed to different temperature (ambient[25ºC] versus HW[40ºC]) and water availability (full capacity versus WS[20% field capacity]). HW, WS and their combined impact on yield depended on the phenological stage at which stress was applied being more affected at R4. For gas exchange, WS severely impaired photosynthetic machinery, especially when combined with HS. Impaired photoassimilate supply at flowering caused flower abortion and a significant reduction in final SY due to interacting stresses and WS. On the other hand, at pod formation (R4), decreased leaf performance caused additive effect on SY by decreasing pod setting and seed size with combined stresses. At the nodule level, WS (alone or in combination with HW) caused nodule impairment, which was reflected by lower leaf N. Such response was linked with a poor malate supply to bacteroids and feed-back inhibition caused by nitrogenous compounds accumulation. In summary, our study noted that soybean sensitivity to interacting heat and water stresses was highly conditioned by the phenological stage at which it occurs with, R4 stage being the critical moment. To our knowledge this is the first soybean work integrating combined stresses at early reproductive stages.Publication Open Access Adsorption recovery of Ag(I) and Au(III) from an electronics industry wastewater on a clay mineral composite(University of Science and Technology Beijing, 2019) Rakhila, Youness; Elmchaouri, Abdellah; Mestari, Allal; Korili, Sophia A.; Abouri, Meriem; Gil Bravo, Antonio; Zientziak; Institute for Advanced Materials and Mathematics - INAMAT2; CienciasThe aim of this work is to investigate the ability of an adsorbent of a clay mineral composite to remove and recover gold and silver ions from wastewater. The composite was prepared by mixing phosphogypsum (PG), obtained from an industrial waste, and a natural clay mineral. The materials were characterized before and after use in adsorption by several techniques. Batch adsorption experiments were carried out, and the effects of the contact time and the pH and temperature of solution on the removal processes were investigated. The optimum pH for the adsorption was found to be 4. The adsorption of these metal ions reached equilibrium after 2 h of contact. The pseudo-first- and the pseudo-second-order kinetic models, as well as the Freundlich and the Langmuir isotherm equations, were considered to describe the adsorption results. The maximum adsorbed amount of 85 mg·g−1 Ag(I) and 108.3 mg·g−1 Au(III) was found. The recovery of the adsorbed gold and silver ions from the adsorbent was also analyzed. Strong acids appeared to be the best desorption agents to recover gold and silver ions. The use of aqua regia gave regeneration rates close to 95.3% and 94.3% for Ag(I) and Au(III), respectively. Finally, the removal of gold and silver ions from an industrial wastewater was tested in batch experiments, and percentage recoveries of 76.5% and 79.9% for Ag(I) and Au(III), respectively, were obtained. To carry out the industrial application of the proposed methodology, an economic viability study is required.Publication Open Access An aerated axenic hydroponic system for the application of root treatments: exogenous pyruvate as a practical case(BioMed Central, 2018) Gil Monreal, Miriam; Fernández Escalada, Manuel; Royuela Hernando, Mercedes; Zabalza Aznárez, Ana; Ciencias; Zientziak; Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate PublikoaBackground: Hydroponic systems are a convenient platform for plant cultivation when treatments are applied to the roots because they provide precise control of the composition of the growth medium, ensuring the availability of different compounds. A problem arises when axenic conditions are needed but the treatment of choice (exogenous organic acids or sugars) promote the growth of unwanted microorganisms. Moreover, axenic conditions are usually applied in liquid and semi-liquid growing systems, where oxygen availability can be compromised, if no aeration is provided. Results: The driver for the development of this hydroponic system was the application of the organic acid pyruvate to the roots of plants grown under aerated axenic conditions. No contamination was detected in the nutrient solution, even after the addition of pyruvate. The system was validated in pea plants treated with either pyruvate or herbicides inhibiting amino acid biosynthesis. The effects on ethanol fermentation were compared by analysing the enzymatic activity, protein content and transcriptional levels in plants treated with either pyruvate or herbicides. Conclusions: The developed system enables the study of the exogenous application of organic acids in the nutrient solution under axenic conditions and without oxygen limitation. This system allows the study of the effect of any type of treatments applied to roots under aerated axenic hydroponic systems at physiological and molecular levels. The role of pyruvate in the induction of fermentation by herbicides cannot be simply explained by an increase in substrate availability.Publication Open Access Afforestation with Pinus nigra Arn ssp salzmannii along an elevation gradient: controlling factors and implications for climate change adaptation(Springer, 2021) Lucas Borja, Manuel Esteban; Jing, Xing; Candel Pérez, David; Parhizkar, Misagh; Rocha, Francisco; Heydari, Medhi; Muñoz-Rojas, Miriam; Zema, Demetrio Antonio; Ciencias; ZientziakKey Message: the first bottleneck in Spanish black pine survival through afforestation is the lack of resistance to drought in their initial life stages. Abstract: Spanish black pine (Pinus nigra Arn ssp. salzmannii) is the most widely distributed pine species in mountain areas of the Mediterranean Basin and is commonly used for afforestation in endangered and degraded areas. Despite its importance, little is known regarding the factors driving seedling survival for this species, which may hamper afforestation success in Mediterranean areas. In this study, we assessed the effects of seed origin and plantation site along a natural gradient with contrasting elevation and climatic conditions in a Mediterranean forest in Central-Eastern Spain. Our results showed: (1) higher seedling survival rates when seed origin differed from plantation site (25.3 ± 5.4%) compared to same origin and plantation site (5.3 ± 2.7%); (2) higher survival probability (~ 20%) for high and medium elevation seeds (colder and wetter locations) compared to the warmer and drier low elevation sites (15%); (3) higher seedling survival (~ 40%) at higher elevation sites compared to low-elevation sites (< 20%); and (4) increased hazard of seedling death with decreasing elevation of the plantation site. We also reported a complete mortality at the drier sites after the first summer following the plantation. Overall, the combination of seeds from medium elevation and high elevation plantation sites increased the survival of Spanish black pine. These results have direct implications for forest management of Spanish black pine in Mediterranean regions, particularly in current and future climate change scenarios.Publication Open Access Along-the-path exponential integration for Floquet stability analysis of wind turbines(IOP Publishing, 2022) Ros Ganuza, Javier; Olcoz Alonso, Álvaro; Plaza Puértolas, Aitor; Zientziak; Institute of Smart Cities - ISC; Ciencias; Gobierno de Navarra / Nafarroako GobernuaTraditionally, stability assessment of wind turbines has been performed by eigenanalysis of the azimuthally-averaged linearized system after applying the Multi-Blade Coordinate (MBC) transformation. However, due to internal or external anisotropy, the MBC transform does not produce an exact Linear Time-Invariant (LTI) system, and a Floquet analysis is required to capture the influence of all periodic terms, leading to a more accurate stability analysis. In this paper exponential integration methods that use system linearizations at different blade azimuth positions are used to integrate the perturbed system state and compute the Floquet monodromy matrix. The proposed procedure is assessed for a simple 6 DOF wind turbine model and a more complex aeroelastic model of a 5MW onshore wind turbine. The defined along-the-path or moving-point exponential integrator is found to be the suitable in order to perform a Floquet stability analysis even using a coarse linearization grid.Publication Embargo Alterations of oxidative status induced by amino acid synthesis-inhibiting herbicides in sensitive and target-site resistantpopulations of Amaranthus palmeri(2023) Eceiza, Mikel Vicente; Royuela Hernando, Mercedes; Zabalza Aznárez, Ana; Ciencias; Zientziak; Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa, UPNA20-6138Entre los métodos de control de malas hierbas, los herbicidas aparecen como métodos rápidos y efectivos, y conforman el método más utilizado para el control de malas hierbas. Dos de los grupos de herbicidas más importantes son los inhibidores de la 5-enolpiruvilsiquimato-3-fosfatosintasa (EPSPS) y la acetolactato sintasa (ALS). El único inhibidor de la EPSPS que se conoce es el glifosato, el herbicida más utilizado a nivel mundial; mientras, los inhibidores de la ALS incluyen numerosas sustancias activas. La EPSPS y la ALS son enzimas importantes que forman parte de la biosíntesis de aminoácidos aromáticos y aminoácidos ramificados, respectivamente. Cómo el glifosato o los inhibidores de la ALS bloquean estas rutas de biosíntesis de aminoácidos está estudiado a fondo, pero la secuencia de eventos fisiológicos que ocurre entre la aplicación del herbicida y la muerte de la planta no se conoce del todo. Los efectos fisiológicos establecidos hoy en día para ambos grupos de herbicidas son bastante parecidos (a pesar de que las enzimas diana sean diferentes). Algunos estudios muestran que entre estos efectos fisiológicos provocados por el glifosato y los inhibidores de la ALS está el estrés oxidativo, pero su origen (si está ligado a la inhibición de la EPSPS o ALS o es un efecto secundario aparte) y la importancia del daño oxidativo y las alteraciones en los sistemas antioxidantes (como el glutatión) inducidos en la cascada fisiológica que termina con la muerte de la planta no se conocen. En este contexto, el objetivo principal de esta tesis fue evaluar el papel del estrés oxidativo y el metabolismo del glutatión en el modo de acción del glifosato y los inhibidores de la ALS, tratando de elucidar si está relacionado con el mecanismo de acción de ambos grupos de herbicidas. Se crecieron cuatro poblaciones de la mala hierba Amaranthus palmeri S. Wats.: sensible a glifosato (GFS), resistente a glifosato (GFR), sensible a inhibidores de la ALS (AIS) y resistente a inhibidores de la ALS (AIR). En las dos poblaciones resistentes, la resistencia venía dada por mecanismos target-site (TSR). Las poblaciones GFS y GFR fueron tratadas con diferentes dosis de glifosato, mientras que las poblaciones AIS y AIR fueron tratadas con dosis diferentes de nicosulfuron (una sulfonilurea, inhibidor de la ALS). Se realizaron varios análisis fisiológicos y se compararon, en las hojas de estas poblaciones: acumulación de especies reactivas de oxígeno (ROS), daño oxidativo, sistemas antioxidantes (con especial énfasis en el metabolismo del glutatión) y señalización hormonal.Casi no hubo diferencias entre las plantas sensibles y resistentes no tratadas en los parámetros analizados, mostrando que la TSR no viene acompañada por un estado oxidativo basal diferente. Las plantas GFS y AIS tratadas murieron con todas las dosis de glifosato o nicosulfuron; en cambio, todas las plantas resistentes sobrevivieron. Las plantas GFS y AIS tratadas mostraron una producción y acumulación de ROS mayor que las no tratadas, un efecto que no ocurrió en las resistentes. Esta sobreproducción de ROS en las plantas sensibles tratadas provocó una peroxidación lipídica proporcional a la dosis de herbicida, un indicador inequívoco de estrés oxidativo, y cambios en los sistemas antioxidantes. Solo las plantas sensibles de las dos poblaciones mostraron un incremento de la actividad y expresión génica de la glutatión Stransferasa (GST), indicando la implicación del glutatión como antioxidante. La presencia de estrés oxidativo solo en las plantas sensibles tratadas con glifosato o nicosulfuron y su ausencia en las plantas TSR indica que el estrés oxidativo está relacionado con la inhibición de la EPSPS o la ALS, aunque los mecanismos exactos permanecen sin esclarecer. El daño oxidativo se probó como otro efecto común de ambos herbicidas, pero fue demasiado leve para provocar por sí solo la muerte de la planta. Por otra parte, los dos herbicidas alteraron el perfil hormonal, pero indujeron hormonas diferentes. Así, los cambios observados en el perfil hormonal muestran un efecto diferente de la acción herbicida. Los mecanismos que provocan estos cambios hormonales siguen siendo desconocidos, pero la inducción de ciertas hormonas puede estar relacionada con el estrés oxidativo.Publication Open Access Altered cortical palmitoylation induces widespread molecular disturbances in Parkinson's disease(MDPI, 2022) Cervilla-Martínez Juan F.; Rodríguez-Gotor Juan J.; Wypijewski, Krzysztof J.; Fontán-Lozano Ángela; Wang, Tao; Santamaría Martínez, Enrique; Fuller, William; Mejías Rebeca; Ciencias de la Salud; Osasun ZientziakThe relationship between Parkinson’s disease (PD), the second-most common neurodegenerative disease after Alzheimer’s disease, and palmitoylation, a post-translational lipid modification, is not well understood. In this study, to better understand the role of protein palmitoylation in PD and the pathways altered in this disease, we analyzed the differential palmitoyl proteome (palmitome) in the cerebral cortex of PD patients compared to controls (n = 4 per group). Data-mining of the cortical palmitome from PD patients and controls allowed us to: (i) detect a set of 150 proteins with altered palmitoylation in PD subjects in comparison with controls; (ii) describe the biological pathways and targets predicted to be altered by these palmitoylation changes; and (iii) depict the overlap between the differential palmitome identified in our study with protein interactomes of the PD-linked proteins α-synuclein, LRRK2, DJ-1, PINK1, GBA and UCHL1. In summary, we partially characterized the altered palmitome in the cortex of PD patients, which is predicted to impact cytoskeleton, mitochondrial and fibrinogen functions, as well as cell survival. Our study suggests that protein palmitoylation could have a role in the pathophysiology of PD, and that comprehensive palmitoyl-proteomics offers a powerful approach for elucidating novel cellular pathways modulated in this neurodegenerative disease.Publication Open Access Analog lock-in amplifier design using subsampling for accuracy enhancement in GMI sensor applications(MDPI, 2023) Algueta-Miguel, Jose M.; Beato López, Juan Jesús; López Martín, Antonio; Ciencias; Zientziak; Institute of Smart Cities - ISC; Institute for Advanced Materials and Mathematics - INAMAT2; Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa, PJUPNA2005A frequency downscaling technique for enhancing the accuracy of analog lock-in amplifier (LIA) architectures in giant magneto-impedance (GMI) sensor applications is presented in this paper. As a proof of concept, the proposed method is applied to two different LIA topologies using, respectively, analog and switching-based multiplication for phase-sensitive detection. Specifically, the operation frequency of both the input and the reference signals of the phase-sensitive detector (PSD) block of the LIA is reduced through a subsampling process using sample-and-hold (SH) circuits. A frequency downscaling from 200 kHz, which is the optimal operating frequency of the employed GMI sensor, to 1 kHz has been performed. In this way, the proposed technique exploits the inherent advantages of analog signal multiplication at low frequencies, while the principle of operation of the PSD remains unaltered. The circuits were assembled using discrete components, and the frequency downscaling proposal was experimentally validated by comparing the measurement accuracy with the equivalent conventional circuits. The experimental results revealed that the error in the signal magnitude measurements was reduced by a factor of 8 in the case of the analog multipliers and by a factor of 21 when a PSD based on switched multipliers was used. The error in-phase detection using a two-phase LIA was also reduced by more than 25%.Publication Open Access Analysis of the strain misfit between matrix and inclusions in a magnetically tunable composite(Elsevier, 2021) Bonifacich, Federico Guillermo; Lambri, Osvaldo Agustín; Lambri, Fernando Daniel; Bozzano, P. B.; Recarte Callado, Vicente; Sánchez-Alarcos Gómez, Vicente; Pérez de Landazábal Berganzo, José Ignacio; Zientziak; Institute for Advanced Materials and Mathematics - INAMAT2; Ciencias; Gobierno de Navarra / Nafarroako Gobernua; Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate PublikoaA magnetically tunable composite has been elaborated by embedding microparticles of a metamagnetic shape memory alloy on a photo curable resin. The strain misfit between the polymeric matrix and the inclusions has been analysed within Eshelby formalism. Results show the non-appearance of active microcracks at the interfaces where strains are induced by the martensitic transformation in the microparticles. Even though the martensitic transformation is well detected, the values of misfit β coefficient indicate that the matrix accommodates all the stresses induced by the inclusions. A stable surface interaction between particles and matrix is also confirmed during thermal cycles. It is also demonstrated that the damping capacity of the composites can be tuned by combining oscillating strain, fillers content and magnetic field. The proposed model could be applied to analyse the mechanical stability in polymer matrix composites in which fillers undergo a first order transition with volume change and associated deformation.