Jarén Ceballos, Carmen

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Jarén Ceballos

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IS-FOOD. Research Institute on Innovation & Sustainable Development in Food Chain





Search Results

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  • PublicationOpen Access
    A review of the application of near-infrared spectroscopy for the analysis of potatoes
    (American Chemical Society, 2013) López Maestresalas, Ainara; Arazuri Garín, Silvia; García Ruiz, Ignacio; Mangado Ederra, Jesús; Jarén Ceballos, Carmen; Proyectos e Ingeniería Rural; Landa Ingeniaritza eta Proiektuak; Gobierno de Navarra / Nafarroako Gobernua
    Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is one of the most important crops in the world being considered as a staple food in many developing countries. The potato industry like other vegetable and fruit industries is subject to the current demand of quality products. In order to meet this challenge, the food industry is relying on the adoption of nondestructive and environmentally friendly techniques to determine quality of products. Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is currently one of the most advanced nondestructive technologies regarding instrumentation and application, and it also complies with the environment requirements as it does not generate emissions or waste. This paper reviews research progress on the analysis of potatoes by NIRS both in terms of determination of constituents and classification according to the different constituents of the tubers. A brief description of the fundamentals of NIRS technology and its advantages over other quality assessment techniques is included. Finally, future prospects of the development of NIRS technology at the industrial level are explored.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Detection of minced lamb and beef fraud using NIR spectroscopy
    (Elsevier, 2019) López Maestresalas, Ainara; Insausti Barrenetxea, Kizkitza; Jarén Ceballos, Carmen; Pérez Roncal, Claudia; Urrutia Vera, Olaia; Beriain Apesteguía, María José; Arazuri Garín, Silvia; Ingeniaritza; Agronomia, Bioteknologia eta Elikadura; Institute on Innovation and Sustainable Development in Food Chain - ISFOOD; Ingeniería; Agronomía, Biotecnología y Alimentación; Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa
    The aim of this work was to investigate the feasibility of near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), combined with chemometric techniques, to detect fraud in minced lamb and beef mixed with other types of meats. For this, 40 samples of pure lamb and 30 samples of pure beef along with 160 samples of mixed lamb and 156 samples of mixed beef at different levels: 1-2-5-10% (w/w) were prepared and analyzed. Spectral data were pre-processed using different techniques and explored by a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to find out differences among pure and mixed samples. Moreover, a PLS-DA was carried out for each type of meat mixture. Classification results between 78.95 and 100% were achieved for the validation sets. Better rates of classification were obtained for samples mixed with pork meat, meat of Lidia breed cattle and foal meat than for samples mixed with chicken in both lamb and beef. Additionally, the obtained results showed that this technology could be used for detection of minced beef fraud with meat of Lidia breed cattle and foal in a percentage equal or higher than 2 and 1%, respectively. Therefore, this study shows the potential of NIRS combined with PLS-DA to detect fraud in minced lamb and beef.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Evaluation of risk factors in fatal accidents in agriculture
    (Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA), 2010) Arana Navarro, Ignacio; Mangado Ederra, Jesús; Arnal Atarés, Pedro; Arazuri Garín, Silvia; Alfaro López, José Ramón; Jarén Ceballos, Carmen; Proyectos e Ingeniería Rural; Landa Ingeniaritza eta Proiektuak
    En el ámbito agrario se producen anualmente muchos accidentes mortales, no siendo todos ellos registrados oficialmente como accidentes laborales. El objetivo de esta investigación es comparar los datos reales y oficiales de accidentes agrícolas mortales y caracterizar los principales riesgos asociados a ellos. Un estudio sobre 388 accidentes mortales ocurridos en España con maquinaria agrícola en los últimos cinco años ha mostrado que sólo el 61,85% de ellos ha tenido carácter oficial. Las personas mayores fueron el sector de la población con un mayor riesgo, seguidos de los niños y las personas ajenas al sector agrario. La mayoría de las muertes registradas fueron debidas al vuelco de tractores sin estructuras de protección. De las 272 muertes causadas por accidentes con vuelco del tractor, sólo una sucedió en un tractor con estructura de protección homologada. La mayoría de los vuelcos se produjo en trayectos por carreteras o caminos, aunque las fuertes pendientes y los baches también son un factor de riesgo. Se han caracterizado once factores de riesgo y se ha comprobado que para que ocurra un accidente generalmente es necesario que confluyan, al menos, dos factores de riesgo y que la mayoría de los accidentes son causados por la concurrencia de tres o más de estos factores. Todos los accidentes son evitables porque requieren la coincidencia de más de un factor de riesgo. Si intentamos evitar todos los factores de riesgo, es posible que exista uno de estos factores, pero es muy difícil que concurran dos o más de ellos a la vez.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Siniestralidad agraria en España (2004 a 2013): factores de riesgo
    (Blake & Helsey, 2019) Arnal Atarés, Pedro; Jarén Ceballos, Carmen; López Maestresalas, Ainara; Mangado Ederra, Jesús; Arazuri Garín, Silvia; Ingeniería; Ingeniaritza
    Los datos del presente artículo son, en su mayor parte, los resultados encontrados por Pedro Arnal Atarés en el desarrollo de su tesis doctoral 'Análisis de la información sobre accidentes en el sector agrario recogida en los medios de comunicación en el decenio 2004-2013'. Esta tesis fue dirigida por Carmen Jarén Ceballos. Al objeto de conseguir el Doctorado en Prevención de Riesgos Laborales, la tesis citada se defendió el día 5 de septiembre de 2017 en la Universidad Pública de Navarra y obtuvo la calificación de Sobresaliente.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Exploring the potential of hyperspectral imaging to detect Esca disease complex in asymptomatic grapevine leaves
    (Elsevier, 2022) Pérez Roncal, Claudia; Arazuri Garín, Silvia; López Molina, Carlos; Jarén Ceballos, Carmen; Santesteban García, Gonzaga; López Maestresalas, Ainara; Ingeniaritza; Estatistika, Informatika eta Matematika; Agronomia, Bioteknologia eta Elikadura; Institute on Innovation and Sustainable Development in Food Chain - ISFOOD; Ingeniería; Estadística, Informática y Matemáticas; Agronomía, Biotecnología y Alimentación; Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa
    Precise and reliable identification of specific plant diseases is a challenge within precision agriculture nowadays. This is the case of esca, a complex grapevine trunk disease, that represents a major threat to modern viticulture as it is responsible for large economic losses annually. The lack of effective control strategies and the complexity of esca disease expression make essential the identification of affected plants, before symptoms become evident, for a better management of the vineyard. This study evaluated the suitability of a near-infrared hyperspectral imaging (HSI) system to detect esca disease in asymptomatic grapevine leaves of Tempranillo red-berried cultivar. For this, 72 leaves from an experimental vineyard, naturally infected with esca, were collected and scanned with a lab-scale HSI system in the 900-1700 nm spectral range. Then, effective image processing and multivariate analysis techniques were merged to develop pixel-based classification models for the distinction of healthy, asymptomatic and symptomatic leaves. Automatic and interval partial least squares variable selection methods were tested to identify the most relevant wavelengths for the detection of esca-affected vines using partial least squares discriminant analysis and different pre-processing techniques. Three-class and two-class classifiers were carried out to differentiate healthy, asymptomatic and symptomatic leaf pixels, and healthy from asymptomatic pixels, respectively. Both variable selection methods performed similarly, achieving good classification rates in the range of 82.77-97.17% in validation datasets for either three-class or two-class classifiers. The latter results demonstrated the capability of hyperspectral imaging to distinguish two groups of seemingly identical leaves (healthy and asymptomatic). These findings would ease the annual monitoring of disease incidence in the vineyard and, therefore, better crop management and decision making.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Phytochemicals determination and classification in purple and red fleshed potato tubers by analytical methods and near infrared spectroscopy
    (Wiley, 2016) Tierno, Roberto; López Maestresalas, Ainara; Riga, Patrick; Arazuri Garín, Silvia; Jarén Ceballos, Carmen; Ruiz de Galarreta, José Ignacio; Proyectos e Ingeniería Rural; Landa Ingeniaritza eta Proiektuak
    BACKGROUND: Over the last two decades, the attractive colours and shapes of pigmented tubers and the increasing concern about the relationship between nutrition and health have contributed to the expansion of their consumption and a specialty market. Thus, we have quantified the concentration of health promoting compounds such as soluble phenolics, monomeric anthocyanins, carotenoids, vitamin C, and hydrophilic antioxidant capacity, in a collection of 18 purple- and red-fleshed potato accessions. RESULTS: Cultivars and breeding lines high in vitamin C, such as Blue Congo, Morada and Kasta, have been identified. Deep purple cultivars Violet Queen, Purple Peruvian and Vitelotte showed high levels of soluble phenolics, monomeric anthocyanins, and hydrophilic antioxidant capacity, whereas relatively high carotenoid concentrations were found in partially yellow coloured tubers, such as Morada, Highland Burgundy Red, and Violet Queen. CONCLUSION: The present characterisation of cultivars and breeding lines with high concentrations of phytochemicals is an important step both to support the consideration of specialty potatoes as a source of healthy compounds, and to obtain new cultivars with positive nutritional characteristics. Moreover, by using near infrared spectroscopy a non-destructive identification and classification of samples with different levels of phytochemicals is achieved, offering an unquestionable contribution to the potato industry for future automatic discrimination of varieties.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Imágenes hiperespectrales para el estudio de la respuesta a la deficiencia de nitrógeno de distintos cultivares de patata
    (Sociedad Española de Ciencias Hortícolas, 2021) López Maestresalas, Ainara; Jarén Ceballos, Carmen; Ruiz de Galarreta, José Ignacio; Álvarez Morezuelas, Alba; Barandalla, Leire; Arazuri Garín, Silvia; Ingeniería; Ingeniaritza
    El cambio climático es uno de los mayores retos de la agricultura moderna. El aumento del rendimiento de los cultivos en el futuro sólo será posible si pueden hacer frente a las consecuencias del cambio climático causado por el aumento de CO2 en la atmósfera. En el cultivo de la patata es muy probable que los estreses abióticos se incrementen considerablemente comprometiendo la sostenibilidad de su producción. A largo plazo, las condiciones de elevado CO2 podrían alterar la toma y transporte de nutrientes, particularmente del nitrógeno (N). Esto conlleva la necesidad de seleccionar cultivares que por sus características genéticas, fisiológicas y agronómicas se adapten mejor a las condiciones del cambio climático global, particularmente a la eficiencia en el uso del N. Para ello, en este estudio, se ha empleado la tecnología de imágenes hiperespectrales con el objetivo de desarrollar modelos de clasificación de variedades más eficientes en el uso del N. Se han muestreado plantas de dos campos experimentales: control y con una reducción del 75% de aporte de N. Se han adquirido imágenes hiperespectrales de 120 hojas de las plantas control y 120 de plantas sometidas a una reducción del 75% de aporte de N. Se han aplicado métodos multivariantes de clasificación para comprobar el potencial de las imágenes hiperespectrales en la identificación de cultivares de patata mejor adaptados a una deficiencia de N, con resultados prometedores. Además, para evaluar la respuesta de las plantas a las diferentes dosis de N, se analizará el contenido total de N, lo que permitirá evaluar la eficiencia en el uso del N en función de la productividad, así como la concentración de metabolitos nitrogenados.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Evaluation of mechanical tomato harvesting using wireless sensors
    (MDPI, 2010) Arazuri Garín, Silvia; Arana Navarro, Ignacio; Jarén Ceballos, Carmen; Proyectos e Ingeniería Rural; Landa Ingeniaritza eta Proiektuak
    The harvesting of processing tomatoes is fully mechanised and it is well known that during harvest, fruits are subjected to mechanical stress causing physical injuries, including skin punctures, pulp and cell rupture. Some wireless sensors have been used for research during recent years with the main purpose of reducing the quality loss of tomato fruits by diminishing the number and intensity of impacts. In this study the IRD (impact recorder device) sensor was used to evaluate several tomato harvesters. The specific objectives were to evaluate the impacts during mechanical harvest using a wireless sensor, to determine the critical points at which damage occurs, and to assess the damage levels. Samples were taken to determine the influence of mechanical harvest on texture, or on other quality characteristics including percentage of damages. From the obtained data it has been possible to identify the critical points where the damages were produced for each one of the five harvester models examined. The highest risk of damage was in zone 1 of the combine—from the cutting system to the colour selector—because the impacts were of higher intensity and hit less absorbing surfaces than in zone 2—from colour selector to discharge. The shaker and exit from the shaker are two of the harvester elements that registered the highest intensity impacts. By adjusting, in a specific way each harvester model, using the results from this research, it has been possible to reduce the tomato damage percentage from 20 to 29% to less than 10%.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Potential of NIRS technology for the determination of cannabinoid content in industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L.)
    (MDPI, 2022) Jarén Ceballos, Carmen; Zambrana, P.; Pérez Roncal, Claudia; López Maestresalas, Ainara; Ábrego Arlegui, Andrés; Arazuri Garín, Silvia; Institute on Innovation and Sustainable Development in Food Chain - ISFOOD
    Industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) is a plant native to Asia, and is considered to be a primary source of food, textile fiber, and medicines. It is characterized by containing minimal concentrations of delta-9 tetrahydrocannabidol (THC), which is the main psychoactive chemical component, and cannabidiol (CBD), a non-psychoactive substance. In most European countries, the maximum concentration legally allowed for cultivation is 0.2% of THC, and it is currently under debate whether to increase this level to 0.3%. Moreover, in many countries its production is being regularized and legalized, increasing the need for a rapid analysis method. The present work evaluated the cannabinoid content in hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) using near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) technology in combination with chemometric techniques. For this, several samples of the Kompolti variety were analyzed. Samples were dried and ground, and the content of total THC (%) and total CBD (%) was determined by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with a diode array detector as reference measurements, and then the spectra were collected by NIRS. Principal component analysis and partial least square regression models were developed. Good coefficients of determination of cross-validation of 0.77 for THC and CBD, and a ratio of prediction to deviation >2 for total THC and CBD, were achieved. The results obtained show that NIRS technology has potential for the quantitative determination of cannabinoids. Therefore, this analytical method would allow a simpler, more robust, precise, and sustainable estimation than the current HPLC approach.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Analysis of fire services coverage in Spain
    (DYNA, 2018) Echeverría Iriarte, Francisco Javier; González de Audícana Amenábar, María; López Maestresalas, Ainara; Arazuri Garín, Silvia; Ciriza Labiano, Raquel; Jarén Ceballos, Carmen; Ingeniería; Ingeniaritza; Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa
    Previous analysis of the locations of fire stations in Spain and the extent of the areas they cover revealed significant deficiencies with regard to the proportion of communities who would not receive fire service intervention within a reasonable time period. This article discusses and describes the use of Geographic Information Systems and related tools to determine the areas and population covered by existing fire services within a specific response time. This response time by road, is based on a survey of fire service interventions in other European countries. The analysis compares data from a statistical study with georeferenced ones and demonstrates that the areas and communities not covered within this response time is greater than previously believed. The article then describes an analysis an alternative solution to reinforce the current fire stations network with part-time firefighters to cover the areas not covered mainly in rural and remote locations.