Publication: Validated short country reports
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This is the longest of the deliverables produced by the research consortium HoNEST (short for "History of Nuclear Energy and Society". HoNESt's central objective was to understand how societies have engaged with nuclear energy, and how the nuclear energy sector has engaged with societies, and how this has changed over the course of the past 60 years.The very objective of the Short Country Reports (SCR) is to provide social scientists with the empirical basis to be drawn upon for perception and engagement studies. Historians were asked to provide specific evidence for the identification of: events, actors, arguments, behaviours, and types of public engagements encountered over the past 60 years across 20 countries. This framework is simple enough to host data from very different political, social and ideological environments, while some variations in the basic structure of the SCRs are unavoidable. As a result, the SCRs are a distinct product from either what the historians or the social scientists would have produced on their own in the absence of the collaborative framework favored by the HoNESt structure.
Doctorate program
Editor version
Funding entities
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