Publication: A generalization of the Sugeno integral to aggregate interval-valued data: an application to brain computer interface and social network analysis
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Intervals are a popular way to represent the uncertainty related to data, in which we express the vagueness of each observation as the width of the interval. However, when using intervals for this purpose, we need to use the appropriate set of mathematical tools to work with. This can be problematic due to the scarcity and complexity of interval-valued functions in comparison with the numerical ones. In this work, we propose to extend a generalization of the Sugeno integral to work with interval-valued data. Then, we use this integral to aggregate interval-valued data in two different settings: first, we study the use of intervals in a brain-computer interface; secondly, we study how to construct interval-valued relationships in a social network, and how to aggregate their information. Our results show that interval-valued data can effectively model some of the uncertainty and coalitions of the data in both cases. For the case of brain-computer interface, we found that our results surpassed the results of other interval-valued functions.
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