Publication: Mediterranean diet-based intervention to improve depressive symptoms: analysis of the PREDIDEP randomized trial
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Background:The effect of an intervention based on Mediterranean diet on reducing recurrencerisk or subsyndromal depressive symptoms in recovered depressed patients has not beenexplored.Methods:The PREDIDEP study was a two-year randomized trial designed to assess the effect of theMediterranean Diet enriched with extra virgin olive oil on depression recurrence. At baseline and atfour, eight, 16, 20, and 24 months of follow-up, depressive symptoms were evaluated through theBeck Depression inventory. Cox regression analysis wasfitted to assess the role of dietaryintervention on the risk of depression recurrence. Mixed effects linear models were used toassess changes in depressive subsyndromal symptoms according to the intervention.Results::After two years of intervention, the dietary intervention group (n= 103) compared to thecontrol group (n= 93) showed no differences regarding depression recurrence risk as mainoutcome. As secondary outcomes, an improvement of depressive symptoms was yielded at four(−2.15; 95% CI =−4.00 to−0.29) and eight months (−2.42; 95% CI =−4.17 to−0.67) in theintervention group, with no changes in control group. Moreover, at 20 months, significantdifferences were found between groups (−3.35; 95% CI =−6.08 to−0.61).Conclusions: An intervention with Mediterranean diet in patients with previous depressiveepisodes might contribute to the reduction of depressive subsyndromal symptoms.
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