e-Bridge to mobility: a non-formal online learning European platform




Galarza-Lanz, Juan Ramón
Mañas-Larraz, Marta



Information Science Reference
Acceso abierto / Sarbide irekia
Capítulo de libro / Liburuen kapitulua
Versión publicada / Argitaratu den bertsioa

Project identifier


e-Bridge to mobility is a platform designed to encourage a more prospective future for people from Poland, Slovakia, Bulgaria, and Romania. The objective of this project is to promote mobility to the UK, Germany, and Spain, by offering education, via English, German, and Spanish language courses; practical information about the UK, Germany, and Spain; and membership in an e-community. The project is aimed at people who seek employment in the United Kingdom, Germany, and Spain. Its main goal is teaching English, German, and Spanish, and gaining knowledge about the country that the project participant intends to visit. The products and information regarding country-specific characteristics of UK, Germany, and Spain are complementary to the course. e-Bridge supports adjustment to the requirements of the European job market, and its users have the opportunity to learn a foreign language with the aid of innovative communication tools, such as the Internet and mobile phones.



e-Bridge to mobility, Information and communication technologies (ICTs), Lifelong learning, Non-formal learning (NFE), Non-formal online learning, Online learning (e-Learning), Web 2.0


Gestión de Empresas / Enpresen Kudeaketa / Institute for Advanced Research in Business and Economics - INARBE



Doctorate program

Aramendia-Muneta, M.E., Galarza-Lanz, J.R., Mañas-Larraz, M. (2012). e-Bridge to mobility: a non-formal online learning European platform. En: Yang, H.H., Wang S., Cases on Formal and Informal E-Learning Environments: Opportunities and Practices (pp. 81-100). Information Science Reference.

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