Phonological and semantic verbal fluency test: Scoring criteria and normative data for clustering and switching strategies for Colombian children and adolescents

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Álvarez Medina, María Nazareth
Vergara Moragues, Esperanza
Arango Lasprilla, Juan Carlos
Restrepo Moreno, Juan Carlos
Calderón Chagualá, José Amilkar



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Background: Verbal fluency tests (VFT) are highly sensitive to cognitive deficits. Usually, the score on VFT is based on the number of correct words produced, yet it alone gives little information regarding underlying test performance. The implementation of different strategies (cluster and switching) to perform effi-ciently during the tasks provide more valuable information. However, normative data for clustering and switching strategies are scarce. Moreover, scoring criteria adapted to Colombian Spanish are missing. Aims: (1) To describe the Colombian adaptation of the scoring system guidelines for clustering and switching strategies in VFT; (2) to determine its reliability; and (3) to provide normative data for Colombian children and adolescents aged 6–17 years. Methods & Procedures: A total of 691 children and adolescents from Colombia completed phonological (/f/, /a/, /s/, /m/, /r/ and /p/) and semantic (animals and fruits) VFT, and five scores were calculated: total score (TS), number of clusters (NC), cluster size (CS), mean cluster size (MCS) and number of switches (NS). The intraclass correlation coefficient was used for interrater reliability. Hierarhical multiple regressions were conducted to investigate which strategies were associated with VFT TS. Multiple regressions were conducted for each strategy, including as predictors age, age2, sex, mean parents’ education (MPE), MPE2 and type of school, to generate normative data. Outcomes & Results: Reliability indexes were excellent. Age was associated with VFT TS, but weakly compared with strategies. For both VFT TS, NS was the strongest variable, followed by CS and NC. Regarding norms, age was the strongest predictor for all measures, while age2 was relevant for NC (/f/phoneme) and NS (/m/ phoneme). Participants with higher MPE obtained more NC, and NS, and larger CS in several phonemes and categories. Children and adolescents from private school generated more NC, NS and larger CS in /s/phoneme. Conclusions & Implications: This study provides new scoring guidelines and normative data for clustering and switching strategies for Colombian children and adolescents between 6 and 17 years old. Clinical neuropsychologists should include these measures as part of their everyday practice.



Children, Clustering, Phonological fluency, Semantic fluency, Switching


Ciencias de la Salud / Osasun Zientziak



Doctorate program

Álvarez Medina, M. N., Vergara Moragues, E., Arango-Lasprilla, J. C., Restrepo Botero, J. C., Calderón Chagualá, J. A., Rivera, D., Olabarrieta-Landa, L. (2023) Phonological and semantic verbal fluency test: scoring criteria and normative data for clustering and switching strategies for Colombian children and adolescents. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 1-15.

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