A multidimensional approach to assessing factors impacting health-related quality of life after pediatric traumatic brain injury




Von Steinbuechel, Nicole
Krenz, Ugne
Bockhop, Fabian
Koerte, Inga K.
Timmermann, Dagmar
Cunitz, Katrin
Zeldovich, Marina
Andelic, Nada
Rojczyk, Philine
Bonfert, Michaela Veronika



Acceso abierto / Sarbide irekia
Artículo / Artikulua
Versión publicada / Argitaratu den bertsioa

Project identifier


In the field of pediatric traumatic brain injury (TBI), relationships between pre-injury and injury-related characteristics and post-TBI outcomes (functional recovery, post-concussion depression, anxiety) and their impact on disease-specific health-related quality of life (HRQoL) are under-investigated. Here, a multidimensional conceptual model was tested using a structural equation model (SEM). The final SEM evaluates the associations between these four latent variables. We retrospectively investigated 152 children (8–12 years) and 148 adolescents (13–17 years) after TBI at the recruiting clinics or online. The final SEM displayed a fair goodness-of-fit (SRMR = 0.09, RMSEA = 0.08 with 90% CI [0.068, 0.085], GFI = 0.87, CFI = 0.83), explaining 39% of the variance across the four latent variables and 45% of the variance in HRQoL in particular. The relationships between pre-injury and post-injury outcomes and between post-injury outcomes and TBI-specific HRQoL were moderately strong. Especially, pre-injury characteristics (children’s age, sensory, cognitive, or physical impairments, neurological and chronic diseases, and parental education) may aggravate post-injury outcomes, which in turn may influence TBI-specific HRQoL negatively. Thus, the SEM comprises potential risk factors for developing negative post-injury outcomes, impacting TBI-specific HRQoL. Our findings may assist healthcare providers and parents in the management, therapy, rehabilitation, and care of pediatric individuals after TBI.



Adolescent, Anxiety, Child, Depression, Health-related quality of life, Post-concussion symptoms, Traumatic brain injury


Ciencias de la Salud / Osasun Zientziak



Doctorate program

Von Steinbuechel, N., Krenz, U., Bockhop, F., Koerte, I. K., Timmermann, D., Cunitz, K., Zeldovich, M., Andelic, N., Rojczyk, P., Bonfert, M. V., Berweck, S., Kieslich, M., Brockmann, K., Roediger, M., Lendt, M., Buchheim, A., Muehlan, H., Holloway, I., & Olabarrieta-Landa, L. (2023). A multidimensional approach to assessing factors impacting health-related quality of life after pediatric traumatic brain injury. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 12(12), 3895.

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