Additive effects of a family history of schizophrenia spectrum disorders and an environmental risk score for the outcome of patients with non-affective first-episode psychosis




Cuesta Zorita, Manuel Jesús
García de Jalón, Elena
Gil Berrozpe, Gustavo José
Aranguren Conde, Lidia
Gutiérrez, Gerardo
Corrales, Asier
Zarzuela, Amalia
Peralta Martín, Víctor



Cambridge University Press
Acceso abierto / Sarbide irekia
Artículo / Artikulua
Versión aceptada / Onetsi den bertsioa

Project identifier


Background: First-episode psychotic disorders comprise a heterogeneous phenotype with a complex etiology involving numerous common small-effect genetic variations and a wide range of environmental exposures. We examined whether a family of schizophrenia spectrum disorder (FH-Sz) interacts with an environmental risk score (ERS-Sz) regarding the outcome of patients with non-affective first episode psychosis (NAFEP). Methods: We included 288 patients with NAFEP who were evaluated after discharge from an intensive 2-year program. We evaluated three outcome measures: symptomatic remission, psychosocial functioning, and personal recovery. We analyzed the main and joint associations of a FH-Sz and the ERS-Sz on the outcomes by using the relative excess risk due to interaction (RERI) approach. Results: A FH-Sz showed a significant association with poor symptomatic remission and psychosocial functioning outcomes, although there was no significant interaction between a FH-Sz and the ERS-Sz on these outcomes. The ERS-Sz did not show a significant association with poor symptomatic remission and psychosocial functioning outcomes, even though the magnitude of the interaction between ERS-Sz and FH-Sz with the later outcome was moderate (RERI = 6.89, 95% confidence interval -16.03 to 29.81). There was no association between a FH-Sz and the ERS-Sz and personal recovery. Conclusions: Our results provide further empirical support regarding the contribution of FH-Sz to poor symptomatic remission and poor psychosocial functioning outcomes in patients with NAFEP.



Environmental risk score, Family of schizophrenia spectrum disorder, First-episode psychosis, Non-affective psychosis, RERI


Ciencias de la Salud / Osasun Zientziak



Doctorate program

Cuesta, M. J., De Jalón, E. G., Sánchez-Torres, A. M., Gil-Berrozpe, G. J., Aranguren, L., Gutierrez, G., Corrales, A., Zarzuela, A., Ibañez, B., Peralta, V., Group, Pep (2024) Additive effects of a family history of schizophrenia spectrum disorders and an environmental risk score for the outcome of patients with non-affective first-episode psychosis. Psychological Medicine, 1-9.

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