TNF-α-secreting tumor-infiltrated monocytes play a pivotal role during anti-PD-L1 immunotherapy

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Ridder, Kirsten de
Locy, Hanne
Piccioni, Elisa
Awad, Robin Maximilian
Verhulst, Stefaan
Van Bulck, Mathias
Vlaeminck, Yannick de
Lecoq, Quentin
Reijimen, Eva



Frontiers Media
Acceso abierto / Sarbide irekia
Artículo / Artikulua
Versión publicada / Argitaratu den bertsioa

Project identifier


Immune checkpoint blockade (ICB) of the PD-1 pathway revolutionized the survival forecast for advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Yet, the majority of PD-L1+ NSCLC patients are refractory to anti-PD-L1 therapy. Recent observations indicate a pivotal role for the PD-L1+ tumor-infiltrating myeloid cells in therapy failure. As the latter comprise a heterogenous population in the lung tumor microenvironment, we applied an orthotopic Lewis Lung Carcinoma (LLC) model to evaluate 11 different tumor-residing myeloid subsets in response to anti-PD-L1 therapy. While we observed significantly reduced fractions of tumor-infiltrating MHC-IIlow macrophages and monocytes, serological levels of TNF-a restored in lung tumor-bearing mice. Notably, we demonstrated in vivo and in vitro that anti-PD-L1 therapy mediated a monocytespecific production of, and response to TNF-a, further accompanied by their significant upregulation of CD80, VISTA, LAG-3, SIRP-a and TIM-3. Nevertheless, co-blockade of PD-L1 and TNF-a did not reduce LLC tumor growth. A phenomenon that was partly explained by the observation that monocytes and TNF-a play a Janus-faced role in anti-PD-L1 therapy-mediated CTL stimulation. This was endorsed by the observation that monocytes appeared crucial to effectively boost T cell-mediated LLC killing in vitro upon combined PD-L1 with LAG-3 or SIRP-a blockade. Hence, this study enlightens the biomarker potential of lung tumor-infiltrated monocytes to define more effective ICB combination strategies.



Anti-PD-L1 immunotherapy, Immunotherapy resistance, Non small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), TNF-a, Tumor-infiltrating myeloid cells


Ciencias de la Salud / Osasun Zientziak



Doctorate program

De Ridder, K.; Locy, H.; Piccioni, E.; Zuazo-Ibarra, M.; Awad, R. M.; Verhulst, S.; Van Bulck, M.; De Vlaeminck, Y.; Lecocq, Q.; Reijmen, E.; De Mey, W.; De Beck, L.; Ertveldt, T.; Pintelon, I.; Timmermans, J. P.; Escors, D.; Keyaerts, M.; Breckpot, K.; Goyvaerts, C. (2022). TNF-¿-secreting lung tumor-infiltrated monocytes play a pivotal role during anti-PD-L1 immunotherapy. FRONTIERS IN IMMUNOLOGY. 13,

© 2022 De Ridder, Locy, Piccioni, Zuazo, Awad, Verhulst, Van Bulck, De Vlaeminck, Lecocq, Reijmen, De Mey, De Beck, Ertveldt, Pintelon, Timmermans, Escors, Keyaerts, Breckpot and Goyvaerts. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY).

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