Converging biconcave metallic lens by double-negative extraordinary transmission metamaterial

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AIP Publishing
Acceso abierto / Sarbide irekia
Artículo / Artikulua
Versión publicada / Argitaratu den bertsioa

Project identifier


In this letter we present simulation and experimental results of a left-handed converging biconcave metallic lens made of stacked subwavelength hole arrays SSHAs working in the millimeter wave range with additional features of polarizer and frequency filter. The converging behavior of the biconcave metallic lens, in contrast with focusing biconvex dielectric lenses, comes as a result of the negative index of refraction that characterizes double-negative metamaterials made of SSHAs. The presented results may find application in the design of lenses and devices both in the microwave, infrared and optical ranges.


Biconcave metallic lens, SSHAs, Double-negative metamaterials


Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica / Ingeniaritza Elektrikoa eta Elektronikoa



Doctorate program

Editor version

Funding entities

This work was supported by the Spanish Government under contract Consolider “Engineering Metamaterials” Contract No. CSD2008-00066.

© 2009 American Institute of Physics

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