Accelerated forgetting in temporal lobe epilepsy: When does it occur?

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Contador Castillo, Israel
Sánchez, Abraham
Kopelman, Michael D.
González de la Aleja, Jesús



Acceso abierto / Sarbide irekia
Artículo / Artikulua
Versión aceptada / Onetsi den bertsioa

Project identifier


Objective: the main goal of the study was to analyse differences in the forgetting rates of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy (TLE) patients at different intervals (30 sec, 10 min, 1 day and 1 week) compared with those of healthy controls. A secondary aim of this research was to provide an assessment of the relationship between clinical epilepsy-related variables and forgetting rates in TLE patients. Method: the sample was composed of 14 TLE patients and 14 healthy matched controls. All participants underwent a full standardised neuropsychological assessment including general intelligence, executive functioning, memory, language and other variables, such as depression, anxiety or everyday memory failures. Two specific memory tasks, consisting of cued recall of 4 short stories and 4 routes, were carried out at four different intervals. Results: there was a significant difference between groups at 10-min interval on the stories task, with the TLE group displaying greater forgetting than healthy controls. None of the other intervals on either task showed significant group differences. No differences were found when controlling for clinical epilepsy-related variables. Conclusion: forgetting of verbal information at 10 min was greater in patients with TLE compared with controls, but accelerated longer term forgetting was not found. This study suggests that a late consolidation process is not necessarily impaired in TLE patients.


Accelerated long-term forgetting, Forgetting, Memory consolidation, Temporal lobe epilepsy


Ciencias de la Salud / Osasun Zientziak



Doctorate program

Editor version

Funding entities

Israel Contador was supported by a post-doc fellowship (JC 2011-0012) from the Spanish Ministry of Education.

© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. Published by Elsevier B.V. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0

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