Artículos de revista DGE - EKS Aldizkari artikuluak
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Publication Open Access Abriendo la caja negra de las profesiones sanitarias: evaluación de la aplicación de la carrera profesional en el Sistema Nacional de Salud(Instituto Nacional de Administración Pública (INAP), 2014) Pérez García, Raquel María; Fresno García, Miguel del; López Peláez, Antonio; Gestión de Empresas; Enpresen KudeaketaEl sistema sanitario es uno de los pilares del estado del bienestar y fundamento clave de nuestra ciudadanía. El proceso de institucionalización del estado del bienestar ha creado una organización denominada Sistema Nacional de Salud (SNS) de proporciones gigantescas, con una concentración muy alta de profesionales y de recursos, adoptando un gran desarrollo de modelos de gestión, siendo uno de los aspectos clave: la carrera profesional. La asunción de las competencias de sanidad por las Comunidades Autónomas (CC. AA.) ha sido uno de los aspectos más determinantes de las características del modelo sanitario español, sustentado en la actividad de los servicios de salud autonómicos. Las CC. AA. disponen actualmente de sus respectivos Servicios de Salud, que estructuran la administración y la gestión, integrando centros, servicios y otros establecimientos de la propia CC. AA. En los análisis que se realizan a partir de este punto, cabe señalar que cuando se citan los modelos de carrera profesional nos referimos a los modelos que abarcan a licenciados y diplomados sanitarios del SNS. Los profesionales no sanitarios también han tenido sus desarrollos específicos de carrera profesional en algunas CC. AA. pero no constituyen parte del objeto de estudio de esta investigación.Publication Open Access Absorptive capacity in family firms: exploring the role of the CEO(Emerald, 2024) Garcés Galdeano, Lucía; Kotlar, Josip; Caicedo Leitón, Ana Lucía; Larraza Kintana, Martín; Frattini, Federico; Gestión de Empresas; Enpresen Kudeaketa; Institute for Advanced Research in Business and Economics - INARBEPurpose: Absorptive capacity (AC), the ability to leverage external knowledge for innovation, helps explain the mixed findings on family firms' innovation performance. Our research focuses on the CEO's role - whether family or non-family, and founding or later generation - in influencing AC. We also explore how firm size and environmental dynamism affect these relationships, offering insights into varying AC levels among family firms. Design/methodology/approach: OLS regression models were estimated to test the hypotheses using a sample of 364 family firms in Spain. Findings: Family firms¿ absorptive capacity is greater when the CEO is a family member, and even more so when the family CEO belongs to the founding family generation. While AC diminishes in larger family firms this effect is mitigated when the CEO is a family member. The predicted moderating effect of environmental dynamisms is not supported by the analyses. Originality: This paper adds insights about the drivers of heterogeneity in innovation among family firms, addressing recent calls for more nuanced views of how family members drive the strategic behavior of the business, and incorporating considerations of different types of family firms based on the identity of the firm CEO. The results overall support the theoretical claims, but also open up important questions for future studies.Publication Open Access Action research as a meta-methodology in the management field(SAGE, 2020) Erro Garcés, Amaya; Alfaro Tanco, José A.; Gestión de Empresas; Enpresen KudeaketaAlthough it was first developed in the field of psychology, action research is a methodology of growing importance in business and management contexts. In this research article, we focus on a significant aspect of action research: the variety of methodologies that can be used jointly in an action research study and its relationships. More specifically, the aim of this study is to underscore the definition of action research as a meta-methodology that encompasses different ways of carrying out empirical research. To this end, we perform a meta-analysis of articles discussing empirical research that used an action research methodology. The meta-analysis is based on a systematic review of articles published between 2000 and 2018. The main findings suggest that action research may be regarded as a multidisciplinary method and that it can be implemented jointly with other methodologies; not just qualitative methods but also quantitative research. Consequently, action research may now be defined as a meta-methodology or an umbrella process. In this way, action research is a tool whose implementation ought to be promoted in the business/management field as a way of enhancing relevant, rigorous empirical studies and serving as a framework reference in projects based on research and practice contribution as well as active collaboration between researchers and practitioners.Publication Open Access Actividad física y salud autopercibida en personas mayores de 50 años(Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, 2017) Lera López, Fernando; Garrués Irisarri, Mirian; Ollo López, Andrea; Sánchez Iriso, Eduardo; Cabasés Hita, Juan Manuel; Sánchez-Santos, José Manuel; Economía; Ekonomia; Gestión de Empresas; Enpresen KudeaketaEl propósito del estudio es analizar los posibles efectos de la actividad física sobre la salud autopercibida. Para ello, se encuestó a 765 personas entre 50-70 años durante 2012 en España. Se utilizó el cuestionario internacional de actividad física (IPAQ) para estimar el equivalente metabólico de la tarea (MET) total y en cuatro ámbitos: trabajo, ocio, hogar y desplazamientos. La salud auto-percibida se obtuvo de la escala visual analógica del EQ-5D-5L. Los resultados muestran que únicamente el gasto energético de actividad física en el tiempo de ocio incide positivamente en el nivel de salud percibido, el resto de ámbitos no tienen influencia significativa. Asimismo, la autopercepción de la salud es más negativa con mayor edad, menor nivel educativo y mayor frecuencia de uso de servicios sanitarios. En conclusión, la actividad física desarrollada en el tiempo libre podría plantearse como alternativa para mejorar la calidad de vida de los mayores.Publication Open Access Agri-food 4.0: drivers and links to innovation and eco-innovation(Elsevier, 2023) Calafat-Marzal, Consuelo; Sánchez García, Mercedes; Marti, L.; Puertas, R.; Gestión de Empresas; Enpresen KudeaketaDigital transformation affects all stages of the agri-food value chain. Digitalisation is being combined with innovations and eco-innovations to gain a competitive advantage and ensure greater sustained competitiveness. However, not all technologies have been implemented in the same way and at the same pace by the different companies in the agri-food sector. The aim of this research is to identify the internal and external drivers of digitalisation in agri-food companies and to develop a synthetic index to rank companies based on those drivers, before examining the relationship between the position in the ranking and innovation. The results reveal that the decisive drivers are management support and competitive pressure rather than external support from government policies or suppliers. Higher ranking companies in terms of the digitalisation process are more proactive in introducing product and radical innovations and are the most eco-innovative and thus sustainability-oriented. Finally, results show that the digitalisation of the sector is marked by the depth of technology implementation, specifically IoT, big data and artificial intelligence. Blockchain technology does not currently make a difference as it is not widely used.Publication Open Access Alcance de mecanismos de cooperación regional frente a la crisis política en Venezuela(Universidad del Zulia (Venezuela), 2019) Torres, Veruska; Solís, Jennifer; Bello Pintado, Alejandro; Gestión de Empresas; Enpresen KudeaketaTras el comienzo de un proceso revolucionario iniciado por Hugo Chávez Frías en 1999, Venezuela ha entrado en una situación política, económica y social complicada, que desde el año 2013 con la llegada al poder de Nicolás Maduro Moros, el sucesor del presidente Chávez, ha devenido en una polarización más aguda del país en torno a dos visiones políticas distintas, la oficialista y la de oposición, que ha desembocado en una crisis política interna provocando el claro interés de los organismos internacionales del continente, no sólo aquellos de índole primordialmente político como la Organización de Estados Americanos, entre otros, sino también quienes priorizan los intereses económicos como el Mercado Común del Sur. El objetivo de esta investigación que abordó el periodo 2013-2017, se centra en analizar el alcance de los mecanismos de cooperación americanos frente a la actual situación en Venezuela. Desde un enfoque neorrealista de las Relaciones Internacionales, y a través de la revisión de encuentros, declaraciones y estatutos, se evidencia entre los resultados que aún no se ha logrado un consenso institucional sobre cómo hacer frente a tal situación debido no sólo a la diversidad de enfoques políticos que convergen en ellos, sino también a la naturaleza misma de los organismos.Publication Open Access Alexa, ¿debería preocuparme por mi privacidad?(Insights & Analytics España, 2021) Saavedra Montejo, Álvaro; Gestión de Empresas; Enpresen KudeaketaCon el aumento de la información generada por el creciente uso de la tecnología por parte de los ciudadanos, la defensa de la privacidad de estos es una exigencia cada vez mayor. Sobre este asunto versa el siguiente artículo, centrado, en este caso, en el ámbito de los asistentes virtuales por voz.Publication Open Access Análisis de las estrategias competitivas en la industria hortofrutícola de Aragón y Navarra(Asociación Interprofesional para el Desarrollo Agrario (AIDA), 1996) Sánchez García, Mercedes; Iraizoz Apezteguia, Belén; Gil, J.M.; Gestión de Empresas; Enpresen Kudeaketa; Economía; EkonomiaEste estudio ha utilizado un enfoque de competitividad interempresarial y sectorial para analizar la situación competitiva de la industria hortofrutícola de Aragón y Navarra. Para ello se han seleccionado los elementos externos e internos de la organización considerados como más explicativos: su política de renovación empresarial en investigación y desarrollo, es decir, su capacidad de innovación, el nivel de orientación al mercado y al cliente existentes en sus actuaciones comerciales, los grados de productividad que manejan y la actitud estratégica ante el actual entorno competitivo más dinámico. La información ha sido obtenida mediante una encuesta personal dirigida a una muestra representativa de los empresarios hortofrutícolas de ambas comunidades. Las empresas aragonesas generan mayores niveles de productividad frente a las industrias navarras, aunque su capacidad de competir es similar en ambas regiones y en el resto del territorio español. La política de renovación empresarial y las estrategias comerciales utilizadas no son excesivamente dinámicas. Se han observado mejores resultados económicos entre aquellas empresas que emplean las marcas propias en la diferenciación de sus productos. Finalmente, respecto a la actitud estratégica, los empresarios encuestados localizan sus principales dificultades competitivas en aspectos relacionados con la estructura de costes y con el acceso a los mercados. Estas deficiencias explican la valoración no excesivamente positiva que se ha realizado de la entrada en vigor del Mercado Único.Publication Open Access Analysing the relationship between QM, performance appraisal and pay for performance(Routledge, 2021) Bayo Moriones, José Alberto; De la Torre Martinez, Rocío de la; Enpresen Kudeaketa; Institute for Advanced Research in Business and Economics - INARBE; Gestión de EmpresasThe purpose of this paper is to analyse the relationship between quality management, performance appraisal and pay for performance in a sample of 203 manufacturing plants (including firms that do not apply quality management) in Spain employing at least 20 workers. We make a distinction between collaboration with suppliers, customer focus and the use of quality tools. This consideration of quality management as multidimensional will help to disentangle the complex interrelationships with performance appraisal and pay for performance. Our findings point to a positive association of customer focus, collaboration with suppliers and quality tools with performance appraisal evaluating results and behaviours. Regarding pay for performance, closer collaboration with customers is positively related to individual pay for performance. The use of quality tools is positively related to individual and firm pay for performance. The managerial implications point out that there is still room for improving the effectiveness of quality initiatives by incorporating changes in pay for performance and performance appraisal oriented to the adaptation to the principles of quality management. From the theoretical perspective, our paper underlines the importance of not considering quality management as a unidimensional reality when examining its relationship with other management practices.Publication Open Access Analysts herding: when does sentiment matter?(Routledge, 2018) Blasco de las Heras, Natividad; Corredor Casado, María Pilar; Ferrer Zubiate, Elena; Enpresen Kudeaketa; Institute for Advanced Research in Business and Economics - INARBE; Gestión de EmpresasHerding among analysts emerges when analysts give priority to their peers’ opinions instead of their own beliefs or information. Some circumstances may enhance or restrain this type of behaviour. We postulate that market sentiment is one of them. This article analyses the effect that investor sentiment may have on analysts’ herding behaviour in the U.K. Our results suggest that ‘easy situations’ such as analysing easy-to-value securities and releasing optimistic information at times of high market sentiment clearly reduce herding practices, whereas herding clearly increases in difficult situations when analysts have to release negative information at moments of high investor sentiment.Publication Open Access Aprovechando la diversidad en los equipos de I+D para incrementar el desempeño innovador(Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Turismo, 2021) García Marco, María Teresa; Zouaghi, Ferdaous; Gestión de Empresas; Enpresen KudeaketaEn este estudio se analiza el efecto de la diversidad en los equipos de I+D sobre el desempeño innovador tanto de forma individual como cuando interaccionan varias dimensiones de diversidad. Con una base de datos de empresas españolas nuestros resultados muestran que en general la diversidad de los equipos favorece el desempeño innovador. Sin embargo, cuando dos o más dimensiones de diversidad interaccionan conjuntamente dentro de los equipos de I+D el efecto sobre el desempeño innovador, aunque positivo, es menor que cuando solo existe un tipo de diversidad. Los resultados sugieren que un exceso de diversidad conduce a una fragmentación de los equipos de I+D en subgrupos homogéneos (faultlines) que pueden generar conflicto y desconfianza entre los miembros de los equipos de I+D y por lo tanto aminorar el desempeño innovador.Publication Open Access Are acquirers different? Identifying firm precursors to acquisitions(Emerald, 2023) King, David; Shijaku, Elio; Urtasun Alonso, Ainhoa; Gestión de Empresas; Enpresen Kudeaketa; Institute for Advanced Research in Business and Economics - INARBEPurpose: The authors propose and test a theoretical framework that develops and analyzes precursors to firm acquisitions to determine if acquirers differ from other firms. Design/methodology/approach: The authors use longitudinal, archival data from a sample of the largest firms in the global pharmaceutical industry from 1991 to 2012 with 1,327 firm-year observations. Findings: The authors integrate prior research to show that the firm characteristics involving (1) R&D investment, (2) prior experience and (3) network centrality influence the likelihood that a firm will complete an acquisition. Originality/value: In contrast to research focusing on the performance of acquiring firms, the authors show that firm characteristics predict acquisition activity by highlighting that acquiring firms differ from other firms. The authors also develop how network synergies can be realized by acquirers that have information advantages from more central network positions.Publication Open Access Are family firms really more socially responsible?(SAGE, 2014) Cruz, Cristina; Larraza Kintana, Martín; Garcés Galdeano, Lucía; Berrone, Pascual; Gestión de Empresas; Enpresen KudeaketaThis paper conducts an empirical study as to whether family firms are more socially responsible than their non-family counterparts, and explores the conditions in which this difference in social behavior occurs. We argue that family firms, given their socioemotional wealth bias, have a positive effect on social dimensions linked to external stakeholders, yet have a negative impact on internal social dimensions. Thus, family firms can be socially responsible and irresponsible at the same time. We also suggest that institutional and organizational conditions act as catalysts in the relationship between firm type and CSR. General support for our thesis that family firms neglect internal social dimensions came from the study of a sample of 598 listed European firms over a period of 4 years. Moreover, while national standards and industry conditions influence the degree of CSR in non-family firms, these factors do not affect family firms. However, family firms’ social activities are more sensitive to declining organizational performance.Publication Open Access Are mediterranean nonprofits adopting the social enterprise model?(Springer, 2023) López Arceiz, Francisco José; Bellostas Pérezgrueso, Ana José; Rivera, Pilar; Gestión de Empresas; Enpresen Kudeaketa; Institute for Advanced Research in Business and Economics - INARBEThe social enterprise model, which is characterized by economic, social, and governance dimensions, has become a key aspect of modern welfare states in Europe. Despite its potential to increase revenue diversification for nonprofits, particularly through commercial income, its effects in the context of Mediterranean countries within the European Union are untested. This study aims to examine the adoption of the social enterprise model by Mediterranean nonprofits. The results suggest that organizations with high levels of diversification through commercial income exhibit some characteristics of the social enterprise model, and this behavior is influenced by factors such as the type of promoter, user, organizational aims, and activities.Publication Open Access Are public employees more satisfied than private ones? The mediating role of job demands and job resources(Emerald, 2021) Gastearena Balda, María Lourdes; Ollo López, Andrea; Larraza Kintana, Martín; Gestión de Empresas; Enpresen Kudeaketa; Institute for Advanced Research in Business and Economics - INARBEPurpose – This paper aims to compare job satisfaction in public and private sectors and the mediating role of several job demands and resources on the relationship between the employment sector and job satisfaction. Design/methodology/approach – Drawing on the job demands-resources model, this study argued that differences in job satisfaction were explained largely by the job characteristics provided in each sector. Data comes from the quality of working life survey, a representative sample of 6,024 Spanish public and private employees. Findings – This study revealed that public employees were more satisfied than private ones. This relationship was partially mediated by job demands and job resources, meaning that the public and private employment sectors provided different working conditions. Public employees, in general, had fewer demands and more job resources than private ones, which resulted in different levels of job satisfaction. Additionally, partial mediation indicated that public employees are more satisfied than private ones, despite accounting for several job demands and job resources. Research limitations/implications – While the findings of this study highlighted the relative importance of job demands and job resources in affecting job satisfaction of public and private employees, the generalizability of the results to other countries should be limited as the study only used data from a single country. Practical implications – A significant portion of the positive effect on job satisfaction of public employees is channeled through the lower levels of routine work and lower number of required working hours and through better job resources such as higher salary, more telework, greater prospects at work and more training utility. To improve job satisfaction, it is apparent that managers should pay special attention to things such as routine work, working hours, training and telework. Originality/value – This paper contributes to the comprehension of how several job demands and resources simultaneously play a mediating role in explaining the relationship between the employment sector and job satisfaction.Publication Open Access Attention to online channels across the path to purchase: an eye-tracking study(Elsevier, 2019) Cortiñas Ugalde, Mónica; Cabeza Laguna, Rafael; Chocarro Eguaras, Raquel; Villanueva Larre, Arantxa; Ingeniaritza Elektrikoa, Elektronikoaren eta Telekomunikazio Ingeniaritzaren; Enpresen Kudeaketa; Institute for Advanced Research in Business and Economics - INARBE; Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y de Comunicación; Gestión de EmpresasCurrently, consumers display what is known as omnichannel behavior: the combined use of digital and physical channels providing them with multiple points of contact with firms. We combine the stimulus-organism-response (S-O-R) model and visual attention theory to study how customers’ attention to digital channels varies across different purchasing tasks. We use eye-tracking techniques to observe attention in an experimental setting. The experimental design is composed of four purchasing tasks in four different product categories and measures the attention to the website and time spent on each task in addition to several control variables. The results show that shoppers attend to more areas of the website for purposes of website exploration than for performing purchase tasks. The most complex and time-consuming task for shoppers is the assessment of purchase options. The actual purchase and post-purchase tasks require less time and the inspection of fewer areas of interest. Personal involvement also plays a role in determining these patterns by increasing attention to the product area.Publication Open Access Automotive fuel prices at branded and unbranded service stations: differences in the impact of seller density, brand concentration and search costs(Taylor and Francis Group, 2023) Arocena Garro, Pablo; Bello Pintado, Alejandro; Contín Pilart, Ignacio; Gestión de Empresas; Enpresen Kudeaketa; Institute for Advanced Research in Business and Economics - INARBE; Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate PublikoaThis paper analyses the impact of local competition on gasoline and diesel pricing at branded and unbranded independent service stations. Based on our theory-driven discussion we derive a number of hypotheses, which are empirically tested on a sample of service stations in Spain. In Spain, retail prices of motor fuels have been under the spotlight since the dismantling of the state monopoly in the 1990s. The concentration of the retail market and the behavior of the main oil operators are of constant concern to the competition authorities. Our empirical analysis provides evidence for the existence of different competitive dynamics between branded and unbranded stations, and between gasoline and diesel retail pricing. Specifically, the results show that (i) fuel prices at branded (unbranded) service station are positively (negatively) associated with the number of stations operating in the same local market, (ii) prices of both motor fuels at a branded station are higher the larger the share of stations carrying the same brand in its local market, (iii) diesel price at an unbranded station is lower the larger the share of unbranded stations in its local market, and (iv) unbranded service stations undercut the price of diesel more than that of gasoline compared with prices at branded stations.Publication Open Access Bank fragility and contagion: evidence from the bank CDS market(Elsevier, 2016) Ballester Miquel, Laura; Casu, Barbara; González Urteaga, Ana; Gestión de Empresas; Enpresen KudeaketaUnderstanding how contagion works among financial institutions is a top priority for regulators and policy makers who aim to foster financial stability and to prevent financial crises. Using bank credit default swap (CDS) data, we provide a framework for the evaluation of contagion among banks in different countries and regions during a period of prolonged financial distress. We measure contagion in terms of return spillovers, following a Generalized VAR (GVAR) approach. In addition, we propose an innovative framework to distinguish between two types of contagion: systematic (linked to global factors), and idiosyncratic (linked to bank specific factors). We find evidence of both types of contagion, although the spillover dynamics changed over time. Our measure of systematic contagion is always greater than the idiosyncratic component, thus highlighting the importance of common factors in the propagation of risk spillovers. This indicates that international linkages among banking markets are central to the transmission of shocks.Publication Open Access Banking stability, competition, and economic volatility(Fundación de Cajas de Ahorros (FUNCAS), 2014) Fernández, Ana; Suárez Suárez, Nuria; González Rodríguez, Francisco; Gestión de Empresas; Enpresen KudeaketaThe paper analyzes the influence of banking stability on the volatility of industrial value added and how it varies across 110 countries depending on bank market competition and bank-firm relationships. We find that banking stability reduces the volatility of value added more in industries that have greater external dependence and intangible intensity when they are located in countries with more developed financial systems and better investor protection. These results are consistent with the relevance of a lending channel and an asset allocation channel such as the channels through which banking stability diminishes industrial economic volatility. Moreover, we find that banking stability helps reduce economic volatility more, through both channels, in countries that have less bank market competition or close bank-firm relationships. We use several proxies for banking stability and control for countries’ banking development, reverse causality problems, and endogeneity of banking stability.Publication Open Access Behavioral biases never walk alone: an empirical analysis of the effect of overconfidence on probabilities(SAGE, 2014) Abinzano Guillén, María Isabel; Muga Caperos, Luis Fernando; Santamaría Aquilué, Rafael; Gestión de Empresas; Enpresen KudeaketaThis paper presents evidence of the impact of overconfidence bias in asset prices drawn from a study based on data from tennis betting exchanges. A series of betting strategies in tournaments with a clear-cut favourite are shown to yield significant economic returns. The impact of overconfidence bias on betting odds increases with trading volume, media coverage, and levels of disagreement between overconfident and Cumulative Prospect Theory bettors. Just as in traditional financial markets, arbitrage limits are shown to be a necessary condition for the impact of behavioural biases on prices.