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Publication Open Access Comprehensive analysis of rotor edgewise whirling mode interaction with rotor speed harmonics(IOP Publishing, 2024) Torres Elizondo, Antonio; Gil Soto, Javier; Plaza Puértolas, Aitor; Aginaga García, Jokin; Ingeniería; Ingeniaritza; Institute of Smart Cities - ISCThis paper presents a model that investigates the interaction between rotor edgewise whirling modes and rotor speed harmonics in wind turbines. The model is based on kinematic and dynamic principles, with a focus on the multi-blade coordinate transformation, which is critical for simulating the behaviour of the rotor whirling modes in wind turbines. The research has two objectives: to investigate the interaction between the rotor edgewise whirling modes and the rotor speed harmonics, and to provide clearer graphs that explain the complex nature of this non-intuitive rotor dynamics. The paper concludes by highlighting the practical implications of the research findings, in particular the effectiveness of visualisation techniques in identifying and explaining unexpected interactions.Publication Open Access Efficient geometric parametrization of blades cross-sections by means of B-splines(IOP Publishing, 2024) Llamazares, G.; San Miguel, Unai; Plaza Puértolas, Aitor; Ingeniería; IngeniaritzaOptimization and enhancement of rotor blade design are critical to improving the productivity of the wind energy industry. Airfoil geometry is a key factor that makes airfoil design and optimization a common task for aerodynamicists. Ensuring proper airfoil parametrization is essential. It serves as the first step in aerodynamic optimization, where the efficiency is directly related to the geometric complexity. This research presents a cost-effective and robust method for fitting airfoils using B-splines. We take into account factors such as computational cost, resource requirements, and accuracy. In this work, we present a method for minimizing the geometric distances between target points and a B-spline curve. We streamline the fitting process, create a computational Python package, and explore different approaches, objective functions, algorithms, and error tolerance settings. The work concludes that it is highly recommended to use an iterative fitting process, to adequately represent common airfoils with B-splines. Moreover, the accuracy and the computational cost can be managed subject to the minimization algorithm used, and the technique utilized for the objective cost calculation. The fitting procedure we develop in this study gives the smallest number of variables capable of accurately representing a desired airfoil.Publication Open Access Computational investigation of the effect of the trailing edge thickness on the wind turbine performance(IOP Publishing, 2024) Echenique, Daniel; Plaza Puértolas, Aitor; Gutiérrez Amo, Rubén; Ingeniería; IngeniaritzaTrailing edge (TE) thickness is a manufacturing constraint in blade design, especially for airfoils with a sharp TE. To achieve a specific TE thickness, blade geometry is often modified during the design process, typically in the outer zone of the blade where the airfoil's TE is thinner. This area has a significant impact on energy production and loads. Quantifying the effect of TE thickness modifications is crucial for making informed design decisions. Therefore, this study quantifies and compares the impact of linear and polynomial geometry modifications on airfoil aerodynamics and turbine performance. Xfoil and OpenFAST were used to calculate these performance variations in the well-known NREL 5 MW wind turbine. The TE thickness of the model was modified to meet various manufacturing constraints, ranging from no restriction to a limit of 12mm TE thickness. In terms of the aerodynamic behavior of the airfoils, the maximum efficiency of airfoils with low relative thickness decreases as the TE thickness increases. Annual Energy Production shows a reduction of up to 0.42% for the worst case, while blade root loads increase by up to 20%. For low relative thickness airfoils, the linear method has proven to be a better option with less impact on performance.Publication Open Access A directivity correction for accurate semi-empirical wind turbine noise prediction(IOP Publishing, 2024) Saldaña Barroso, Oier; Rautmann, C.; Plaza Puértolas, Aitor; Ingeniería; IngeniaritzaPublic acceptance of wind farms is a significant challenge in the development of wind energy. The acoustic impact generated by wind turbines is a common concern among local residents. The primary noise source in wind turbines is generated by aerodynamics. Atmospheric turbulence reaching the blade leading edge or turbulent boundary layer passing the trailing edge produce the main aeroacoustic sources. The noise generated by these mechanisms is commonly predicted by means of semi-empirical models, which do not demonstrate great reliability when compared to acoustic measurements. This paper presents a correction to the directivity of airfoil noise radiation, resulting in improved sound pressure levels on the ground plane surrounding a wind turbine. This improvement is achieved without requiring any additional computational effort. The sound pressure levels perceived on the ground plane are known to have asymmetrical shape. Maximum noise levels correspond to observers directly in the upwind and downwind locations, whereas the minimum levels belong to the positions close to the rotor plane. Said asymmetrical shape is not represented in the semi-empirical models. The proposed correction takes into consideration the airfoil thickness in the radiation directivity equations, resulting in the expected asymmetrical shape of noise footprints on the ground plane around a wind turbine. The correction was found to not affect the accuracy of the spectrum predicted by the semi-empirical models when compared to dedicated field measurements under the standard IEC 61400-11 procedure. When implementing the proposed correction, the virtual NREL 5 MW wind turbine's published noise footprints, which were originally calculated using computationally expensive methods, are accurately reproduced.Publication Open Access Análisis de accidentes de trabajo mortales en España (2000-2020)(Fundación Internacional ORP, 2022) Ríos Eraso, Alonso; Jarén Ceballos, Carmen; Ingeniería; Ingeniaritza; Institute on Innovation and Sustainable Development in Food Chain - ISFOODLos accidentes de trabajo mortales representan la consecuencia máxima del resultado de las estrategias, políticas y acciones de la integración de la seguridad en el trabajo contra la siniestralidad laboral. Este estudio aporta un análisis de los accidentes de trabajo mortales (excluidos los accidentes in itinere), con respecto al total de los accidentes laborales con baja ocurridos en España en el período 2000-2020, señalando las diferencias existentes por sectores de actividad económica, sexo, antigüedad en el puesto de trabajo, edad de los trabajadores, y entre las Comunidades Autónomas de España, para observar el resultado de la aplicación de la Ley 31/1995 de prevención de riesgos laborales, por la transposición de Directivas comunitarias al Derecho español, relativas a la aplicación de promover la mejora de la seguridad y de la salud de los trabajadores en el trabajo.Publication Open Access AI training for application to industrial robotics: trajectory generation for neural network tuning(Springer, 2023) Merino Olagüe, Mikel; Ibarrola Chamizo, Javier; Aginaga García, Jokin; Hualde Otamendi, Mikel; Ingeniería; Ingeniaritza; Institute of Smart Cities - ISCIn the present work robot trajectories are generated and kinematically simulated. Different data (joint coordinates, end effector position and orientation, images, etc.) are obtained in order to train a neural network suited for applications in robotics. The neural network has the goal of automatically generating trajectories based on a set of images and coordinates. For this purpose, trajectories are designed in two separate sections which are conveniently connected using Bezier curves, ensuring continuity up to accelerations. In addition, among the possible trajectories that can be carried out due to the different configurations of the robot, the most suitable ones have been selected avoiding collisions and singularities. The designed algorithm can be used in multiple applications by adapting its different parameters.Publication Open Access Women, Science and Technology Chair—Promoting women’s careers in stem fields(IEEE, 2023) Pérez Artieda, Miren Gurutze; Gómez Fernández, Marisol; Aranguren Garacochea, Patricia; Barrenechea Tartas, Edurne; Catalán Ros, Leyre; Díaz Lucas, Silvia; Jurío Munárriz, Aránzazu; Martínez Ramírez, Alicia; Millor Muruzábal, Nora; Ortiz Nicolás, Amalia; San Martín Biurrun, Idoia; Estadística, Informática y Matemáticas; Ingeniería; Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y de Comunicación; Estatistika, Informatika eta Matematika; Ingeniaritza; Ingeniaritza Elektrikoa, Elektronikoaren eta Telekomunikazio IngeniaritzarenThe Chair of Women, Science and Technology of the Universidad Pública de Navarra (UPNA) aims to increase the participation of women in the fields of science and technology. Scientific culture and dissemination are the main focus of the different actions of the Chair. These activities include: the theatrical performance "Yo quiero ser científica", experimental workshops and conferences and exhibitions for all audiences and ages. More than 6.000 people have seen the play, more than 1.500 secondary school students have participated in the workshops and the audiovisual material has received more than 20.000 visits.Publication Open Access Electrospinning technique as a powerful tool for the design of superhydrophobic surfaces(IntechOpen, 2020) Rivero Fuente, Pedro J.; Vicente Gómara, Adrián; Rodríguez Trías, Rafael; Ingeniería; Ingeniaritza; Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa, PJUPNA1929The development of surface engineering techniques to tune-up the composition, structure, and function of materials surfaces is a permanent challenge for the scientific community. In this chapter, the electrospinning process is proposed as a versatile technique for the development of highly hydrophobic or even superhydrophobic surfaces. Electrospinning makes possible the fabrication of nanostructured ultrathin fibers, denoted as electrospun nanofibers (ENFs), from a wide range of polymeric materials that can be deposited on any type of surface with arbitrary geometry. In addition, by tuning the deposition parameters (mostly applied voltage, flow rate, and distance between collector/needle) in combination with the chemical structure of the polymeric precursor (functional groups with hydrophobic behavior) and its resultant viscosity, it is possible to obtain nanofibers with highly porous surface. As a result, functionalized surfaces with water-repellent behavior can be implemented in a wide variety of industrial applications such as in corrosion resistance, high efficient water-oil separation, surgical meshes in biomedical applications, or even in energy systems for long-term efficiency of dye-sensitized solar cells, among others.Publication Open Access Monitoring the thermal potential of low-cost radiative cooling materials under static and dynamic conditions of exposure(Morlacchi Editore University Press, 2023) Chiatti, Chiara; Kousis, Ioannis; Fabiani, Claudia; Carlosena Remírez, Laura; Pisello, Anna Laura; Ingeniería; IngeniaritzaReflecting the radiation of the sun while emitting thermal radiation to cold outer space has proven to be an effective solution against urban overheating. The latter severely impact the energy consumption of buildings, outdoor pollution levels, and heat-related morbidity and mortality, which is why recent research has focused on new advanced mitigation technologies to be implemented in cities. Passive radiative cooling (PRC) has the potential to provide a temperature lower than ambient without any energy consumption. While conventional cooling prototypes reject heat to the air, PRCs reject heat to the outer atmosphere emitting radiation mainly in the 8-13 ¿m range, i.e., the so-called atmospheric window. This work investigates the thermal behavior of different radiative cooling materials under various exposure conditions to examine their effective cooling potential. The basic structure of the samples comprehends a highly reflective substrate (aluminum or Vikuiti) and a silica-derived emissive layer. After a preliminary characterization under controlled environmental settings, the samples were exposed outdoors, and their superficial temperature was monitored during the central hours of the day. Comparisons among samples and a benchmark aluminum reference layer were made, also considering the weather data collected during the days of exposure. Although the samples did not reach sub-ambient temperatures during the monitoring, the emissive layer significantly reduced the surface temperature. Furthermore, the effect of a tunable intermediate layer placed between the substrate and the emissive element was demonstrated to positively impact the thermal performance of the sample, thanks to its capability of changing the emissivity spectrum with temperature.Publication Open Access Diseño de un mecanismo de propulsión para bicicleta capaz de almacenar y descargar energía mecánica producida por el usuario(AEIPRO, 2013) Villanueva Roldán, Pedro; Corral Bobadilla, Marina; Lostado Lorza, Rubén; Illera Cueva, M.; Bona, J; Ingeniería; IngeniaritzaLa energía eléctrica todavía proviene en su mayor parte de combustiones fósiles y soluciones no ecológicas. En este artículo se describe una alternativa a la bicicleta eléctrica. Se muestra el proceso de diseño de un dispositivo aplicable a una bicicleta, formado únicamente por elementos mecánicos siguiendo una moda retro o steampunk. Tiene por objetivo divertir al usuario, produciendo un estímulo directamente relacionado con la velocidad y el esfuerzo físico. Tanto el almacenamiento de energía, como la descarga de la misma, se produce a voluntad del usuario. Por un lado, una vez alcanzada una velocidad adecuada al gusto del usuario o cuando él así lo desee, da marcha atrás con los pedales cargando así el dispositivo. Por otro lado, mediante una palanca descargará la energía que ha acumulado previamente. El diseño del componente está basado en el diferencial utilizado en la dirección dentro del sector de automoción, así como en los engranajes dotados con resortes utilizados en los coches de juguete, los cuales almacenan energía al hacerlos rotar. El nuevo dispositivo combina estos elementos aplicando modificaciones en los mismos para que su efecto se adapte a los objetivos deseados.Publication Open Access Aluminum coated fiber optic sensor for enhancing flow rate measurement(SPIE, 2023) Rodríguez Rodríguez, Armando; Urroz Unzueta, José Carlos; Diéguez Elizondo, Pedro; Bravo Acha, Mikel; López-Amo Sáinz, Manuel; López Rodríguez, José Javier; Ingeniería; Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y de Comunicación; Institute of Smart Cities - ISC; Ingeniaritza; Ingeniaritza Elektrikoa, Elektronikoaren eta Telekomunikazio IngeniaritzarenA water flow and velocity aluminum-coated Fiber Bragg Grating sensor system for open channels was designed, simulated and tested. The sensing head was designed, ruggedized and customized to measure velocities at different depths, in order to calculate the discharge in open channels. This paper shows, for the first time to our knowledge, the simulation of such kind of fiber sensors in open channels.Publication Open Access Modeling of MAG welding process using data mining techniques(AEIPRO, 2011) Villanueva Roldán, Pedro; Ibarra Murillo, Martín; Lostado Lorza, Rubén; Sanz García, Andrés; Ingeniería; IngeniaritzaLa fabricación de componentes mecánicos mediante soldadura eléctrica es un proceso que se lleva aplicando con éxito en diferentes sectores desde comienzos del siglo XX (Automoción, Construcción, Aeronáutica…). Este proceso de fabricación presenta siempre el inconveniente de inducir sobre el componente fabricado elevadísimas tensiones y deformaciones residuales, obligando a un mecanizado posterior hasta poder ajustar a las tolerancias de diseño. El mecanizado posterior supone siempre un sobrecoste en el precio total de fabricación del componente soldado, aumentando este según el grado de mecanizado requerido. En este trabajo se expone la experiencia adquirida en la modelización del proceso soldadura MAG mediante técnicas de Minería de Datos. El objetivo principal es encontrar modelos predictivos de deformaciones angulares y de los espesores de los cordones de las soldaduras en función de los parámetros de configuración de la máquina de soldeo (intensidad, velocidad, ángulos, etc.), así como identificar los factores mas influyentes en la generación de las tensiones y deformaciones residuales.Publication Open Access Optimización de un freno de disco mediante la combinación del método de los elementos finitos y algoritmos genéticos(AEIPRO, 2012) Zurrón-Barragán, Carlos; Olarte-Valentín, Rubén; Ramírez-Aragón, María Cristina; Villanueva Roldán, Pedro; Lostado Lorza, Rubén; Ingeniería; IngeniaritzaUn freno de disco es un sistema de frenado que actúa sobre las ruedas motrices de los vehículos. Este dispositivo transforma toda o parte de la energía cinética del vehículo debida al movimiento en calor a fin de detenerlo o disminuir su velocidad. Cualquier freno de disco posee una parte móvil (el disco) y una rueda que gira, así como unas pastillas de fricción o de freno. Estas pastillas son los elementos que ejercen la presión y la adherencia sobre los propios discos. Hoy en día, el diseño de este tipo de dispositivos está basado tanto en estudios teóricos como en el Método de los Elementos Finitos (MEF). Uno de los principales inconvenientes de éste método es el ajuste de las condiciones de contorno del modelo y de los parámetros de material. En este trabajo, se muestra el ajuste y la validación experimental de un modelo de elementos finitos de un freno de disco completo. Este ajuste y validación del modelo se realizó mediante técnicas de Algoritmos Genéticos (GA).Publication Open Access Análisis de sensibilidad de los parámetros de configuración de un proceso de soldadura GMA(AEIPRO, 2011) Villanueva Roldán, Pedro; Ibarra Murillo, Martín; Sanz García, Andrés; Lostado Lorza, Rubén; Ingeniería; IngeniaritzaEl proceso de soldadura GMA en la fabricación de componentes mecánicos es una técnica difícil de ajustar debido al elevado número variables de configuración necesarias. A pesar de ello, dicho proceso se ha aplicado con éxito en múltiples sectores a lo largo del siglo XX. El ajuste óptimo de las variables de configuración es una tarea complicada ya que las desviaciones producen un incremento en las tensiones y deformaciones residuales en la pieza resultante. En el presente trabajo, un análisis de sensibilidad fue realizado para determinar la influencia de cada uno de los parámetros de configuración del proceso y posteriormente, poder establecer un orden de importancia. Un caso práctico de la soldadura de dos placas de acero fue realizado para realizar una lectura de datos y aplicar el análisis de sensibilidad.Publication Open Access Proceso de diseño de un servofreno electromagnético con función ABS: gestión del conocimiento de la empresa(AEIPRO, 2008) Villanueva Roldán, Pedro; Martínez Landa, Paulino; Pérez, A.; Ingeniería; IngeniaritzaEl presente trabajo presenta la metodología seguida para desarrollar un nuevo servofreno electromagnético, utilizado conjuntamente con la bomba de freno para reducir el esfuerzo a realizar por el conductor en la acción de frenado. Hasta el presente, estos mecanismos tiene ayuda de vacío, presión neumática o presión hidráulica. Se plantea la posibilidad de generar un nuevo diseño de servofreno, el cual utilice la energía propia de la batería del automóvil; aportando la presión y el volumen demandado, utilizando principios electromagnéticos. El equipo de desarrollo, aplica los conocimientos atesorados por la empresa en algunos modelos de servofrenos y aprovecha la gestión del conocimiento integrada en la gestión general de la empresa El trabajo da lugar a un producto novedoso que en el sistema de frenos se acopla a cada rueda de forma independiente, aportando la presión y el volumen necesario en función de los requerimientos del entorno vehículo-carretera. El nuevo diseño incorpora un control electrónico ABS notablemente simplificado.Publication Open Access Development of a water flow and velocity optical fiber sensor for field testing(Optica Publishing Group, 2022) Rodríguez Rodríguez, Armando; Urroz Unzueta, José Carlos; Diéguez Elizondo, Pedro; Bravo Acha, Mikel; López-Amo Sáinz, Manuel; López Rodríguez, José Javier; Ingeniería; Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y de Comunicación; Institute of Smart Cities - ISC; Ingeniaritza; Ingeniaritza Elektrikoa, Elektronikoaren eta Telekomunikazio IngeniaritzarenA water flow and velocity fiber optic sensor system was developed and tested. The sensing head was especially developed and ruggedized to measure velocities at different depths, in order to calculate the discharge in channels.Publication Open Access Analysis of product shrinkage and waste in a potato bagging plant(Dime University of Genoa, 2022) Sáenz Baños, Mercedes Irache; Latorre Biel, Juan Ignacio; Blanco Fernández, Julio; Martínez Cámara, Eduardo; Pérez de la Parte, P.; Jiménez Macías, Emilio; Ingeniería; IngeniaritzaNowadays, an average of 2 kg of waste per person are generated in Spain. Furthermore, the household consumption is rising and, as a consequence, the waste production is also increasing. This trend presents a direct impact in the environment. Moreover, after two years of COVID-19 pandemic, it has been detected a stronger rise in consumption per person, while consumption through professional commercial channels for hospitality industry has been lower. This paper analizes the waste generation and product shrinkage in a potato bagging plant, which addresses its production to both final consumers and retailers. The raw materials washing line, as well as the production line, are taken into consideration in the analysis, while new uses to the produced waste are proposed, aiming at providing new useful life, such as the production of bioplastics or the production of biodiesel. As a consequence, the environment impact is minimized and new products are obtained.Publication Open Access Calculation of intercepted photosynthetically active radiation (IPAR) for traditional crops in Castilla y León, Spain(Universidad Carlos III, 2022) Garrachón-Gómez, Elena; García Ruiz, Ignacio; García-Rodríguez, Ana; García-Rodríguez, Sol; Alonso-Tristán, Cristina; Ingeniería; Ingeniaritza; Institute of Smart Cities - ISCAgriculture is one of the most important economic activities in the Castilla y León region (Spain), approximately one-third of the land area is destined for this use. The role of agriculture in rural areas is essential from a territorial perspective, where rural depopulation is originating a crisis in the countryside. Moreover, climate change is having a major impact on agricultural productivity as a consequence, among others, of the increase in the frequency and the severity of extreme events, especially in Mediterranean regions [1]. For these reasons, it is essential to highlight the vision of agriculture as a multifunctional activity. Besides good management, productivity depends on many other factors, such as soil properties or climatic factors. A decisive climatic variable, which is often not considered in the planning and management of the crops, is the Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR), specifically, the Intercepted Photosynthetically Active Radiation (IPAR). The main purpose of this study is to calculate and represent an estimation of IPAR values for the most characteristic crops of Castilla y León.Publication Open Access Estimation of the solar thermal power generation potential in Pamplona (northern Spain)(Universidad Carlos III, 2022) García Ruiz, Ignacio; Prieto Cobo, Eduardo; Torres Escribano, José Luis; Ingeniería; Ingeniaritza; Institute of Smart Cities - ISCIn this work, an analysis of the potential of the city of Pamplona to produce solar thermal energy was carried out, according to the solar radiation received. As a result, for each residential, industrial, or service rooftop, information was provided on (1) the area available for thermal installation, (2) the solar thermal installation capacity and (3) the monthly and annual thermal energy generation potential. It was found that, if all suitable areas of the city are used, it would be possible to achieve an annual total solar thermal energy production of 1197.69 GWh. If solar energy supply and thermal demand were perfectly coupled over time, it would be possible to cover 99.1% of Pamplona's thermal energy demand.Publication Open Access Evaluación comparativa de 19 modelos de estimación de irradiancia difusa sobre planos inclinados dependiendo del tipo de cielo estándar ISO/CIE(LNEG, 2020) García Ruiz, Ignacio; Torres Escribano, José Luis; Blas Corral, María Ángeles de; Sáenz Gamasa, Carlos; Hernández Salueña, Begoña; Illanes, R.; Ingeniería; Ingeniaritza; Ciencias; ZientziakEn este trabajo se han evaluado 19 modelos de estimación de irradiancia difusa sobre el plano inclinado, que incluyen tanto modelos isotrópicos o pseudoisotrópicos como modelos anisotrópicos. Dicha evaluación se ha llevado a cabo a partir una serie de 5396 observaciones de irradiancia global, difusa y directa realizadas entre julio y diciembre de 2018 en la estación radiométrica de la Universidad Pública de Navarra (UPNA). El estado del cielo correspondiente a cada observación se ha caracterizado de acuerdo con el CIE Standard General Sky propuesto en la norma ISO 15469:2004(E)/CIE S 011/E:2003. Para esta clasificación se han utilizado las medidas de distribución angular de luminancia y radiancia proporcionadas por un escáner de cielo ubicado en la propia estación de la UPNA. De tal manera que, para cada combinación de orientación e inclinación del plano, se ha evaluado la bondad de los distintos modelos de acuerdo con los 15 tipos de cielo estándar propuestos por la norma ISO/CIE. Los resultados revelan que el modelo de Perez et al. 2 presenta los mejores resultados globales, así como en 5 de los 15 tipos de cielo ISO/CIE.
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