Person: Arroqui Vidaurreta, Cristina
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Arroqui Vidaurreta
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Agronomía, Biotecnología y Alimentación
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Publication Open Access Effect of preservative agents on the respiration rate of minimally processed potato (Solanum tuberosum cv. Monalisa)(Institute of Food Technologists, 2008) Petri, E.; Arroqui Vidaurreta, Cristina; Angós Iturgaiz, Ignacio; Virseda Chamorro, Paloma; Agronomía, Biotecnología y Alimentación; Agronomia, Bioteknologia eta Elikadura; Institute on Innovation and Sustainable Development in Food Chain - ISFOODPublication Open Access Effects of gaseous ozone on microbiological quality of Andean blackberries (Rubus glaucus Benth)(MDPI, 2021) Horvitz Szoichet, Sandra Susana; Arancibia, Mirari; Arroqui Vidaurreta, Cristina; Chonata, Erika; Virseda Chamorro, Paloma; Institute on Innovation and Sustainable Development in Food Chain - ISFOODAndean blackberries are highly perishable due to their susceptibility to water loss, softening, mechanical injuries, and postharvest diseases. In this study, the antimicrobial efficacy of gaseous ozone against spoilage (mesophiles, psychrotrophs, and yeasts and molds) and pathogenic (E. coli, S. enterica, and B. cinerea) microorganisms was evaluated during 10 days of storage at 6 ± 1◦ C. Respiration rate and mass loss were also determined. Ozone was applied prior to storage at 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, and 0.7 ppm, for 3 min. The best results were observed with the higher ozone dose, with initial maximum reductions of ~0.5, 1.09, and 0.46 log units for E. coli, S. enterica, and B. cinerea, respectively. For the native microflora, maximum reductions of 1.85, 1.89, and 2.24 log units were achieved on day 1 for the mesophiles, psychrotrophs, and yeasts and molds, respectively, and this effect was maintained throughout storage. In addition, the lower respiration rate and mass loss of the blackberries ozonated at 0.7 ppm indicate that this treatment did not induce physiological damage to the fruit. Gaseous O3 could be effective in maintaining the postharvest quality of blackberries throughout refrigerated storage but higher doses could be advisable to enhance its antimicrobial activity.Publication Open Access Mild high hydrostatic pressure processing: effects on techno-functional properties and allergenicity of ovalbumin(2024) Horvitz Szoichet, Sandra Susana; Arroqui Vidaurreta, Cristina; Virseda Chamorro, Paloma; Institute on Innovation and Sustainable Development in Food Chain - ISFOOD; Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate PublikoaThe effects of mild (250–350 MPa) high hydrostatic pressures (HHP) on the technological properties of ovalbumin were studied. Thermal gels were prepared using HHP-treated ovalbumin. Their characteristics and the efficacy of HHP processing to inhibit allergenicity were evaluated. The samples treated at 250 MPa/15 min, 350 MPa/10 min and 350 MPa/15 min showed the best results for solubility and water and oil absorption capacities, respectively. Regardless of treatment duration, foaming capacity increased with pressure. The foam stability only increased significantly in the samples subjected to 350 MPa for 10 and 15 min. On the contrary, the mildest treatment yielded the highest emulsifying activity index and emulsion stability. Improved gel strength and water holding capacity were observed, particularly under 300 MPa, resulting in a maximum inhibition of allergenicity (46.75%).Publication Open Access Intra-laboratory validation of microplate methods for total phenolic content and antioxidant activity on polyphenolic extracts, and comparison with conventional spectrophotometric methods(Society of Chemical Industry Elsevier Applied Science Publishers, 2015) Bobo García, Gloria; Davidov Pardo, Gabriel; Arroqui Vidaurreta, Cristina; Virseda Chamorro, Paloma; Marín Arroyo, Remedios; Navarro Huidobro, Montserrat; Agronomía, Biotecnología y Alimentación; Agronomia, Bioteknologia eta Elikadura; Institute on Innovation and Sustainable Development in Food Chain - ISFOODPublication Open Access Recent technology and advances in fresh-cut products(CRC Press, 2023) Horvitz Szoichet, Sandra Susana; Arroqui Vidaurreta, Cristina; Virseda Chamorro, Paloma; Agronomía, Biotecnología y Alimentación; Agronomia, Bioteknologia eta Elikadura; Institute on Innovation and Sustainable Development in Food Chain - ISFOODPublication Open Access Evaluación del efecto conservante de la miel de abejas liofilizada en polvo sobre la carne molida de ternera(Corporacion Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria, 2023) López Patiño, Carmenza; Arroqui Vidaurreta, Cristina; Horvitz Szoichet, Sandra Susana; Virseda Chamorro, Paloma; Agronomía, Biotecnología y Alimentación; Agronomia, Bioteknologia eta Elikadura; Institute on Innovation and Sustainable Development in Food Chain - ISFOODEl interés por usar sustancias naturales con potencial antimicrobiano crece cada vez más, buscando lograr la conservación de alimentos por periodos más largos. La miel tiene propiedades antioxidantes y antimicrobianas comprobadas, sin embargo, dada su viscosidad y densidad, es necesario buscar alternativas para su aplicación. El objetivo de esta investigación fue obtener miel en polvo mediante liofilización y comprobar su efecto sobre las características fisicoquímicas y microbiológicas de la carne molida de ternera. La miel multifloral de romero y colza que fue utilizada se caracterizó para algunos componentes bioactivos, se mezcló con harina de trigo al 50 %, 60 % y 70 % p/p, se liofilizó y se pulverizó. La formulación al 50 % fue elegida por sus mejores características de humedad e higroscopicidad. Luego, fue aplicada a las carnes molidas al 10 % y al 20 % p/p. Las muestras se empacaron y almacenaron (4 ± 1 ºC) y durante los 0, 3, 7 y 10 días se midió pH, color y se hizo conteo de enterobacterias, aerobios mesófilos totales y psicrótrofos. Este análisis microbiológico arrojó que los tratamientos ralentizan el crecimiento de enterobacterias y aerobios mesófilos totales, siendo mayor el efecto con mayor concentración de miel. Además, la aplicación de los tratamientos afectó el color de las muestras con disminución en los valores de los parámetros: L* y a*. Se plantea que nuevos estudios podrían realizarse a partir de estos resultados para hacer seguimiento a una mayor cantidad de parámetros de calidad en carne molida.Publication Open Access Antibrowning compounds for minimally processed potatoes: a review(Taylor & Francis, 2020) Bobo García, Gloria; Arroqui Vidaurreta, Cristina; Merino Antón, Gorka; Virseda Chamorro, Paloma; Agronomía, Biotecnología y Alimentación; Agronomia, Bioteknologia eta Elikadura; Institute on Innovation and Sustainable Development in Food Chain - ISFOODThis review covers some recent advances in browning prevention in minimally processed potatoes (MPP). Polyphenol oxidase (EC, PPO) is one of the main enzymes involved in browning of potatoes. Antibrowning agents are used in combination with other compounds and techniques to reduce browning such as physical treatments with modified atmospheres and cold temperatures in processing and storage. Due to increasing concerns involving toxicity from various traditional food preservatives, this review focuses on studies involving substances that have different mechanisms to control browning. These substances include reducing agents, acidulants, chelating agents, enzyme inhibitors, complexing agents or others, such as Maillard reaction products and natural extracts.Publication Open Access Strategies to enhance propolis ethanolic extract's flavor for its use as a natural preservative in beef(Enviro Research Publishers, 2021) López Patiño, Carmenza; Arroqui Vidaurreta, Cristina; Horvitz Szoichet, Sandra Susana; Virseda Chamorro, Paloma; Institute on Innovation and Sustainable Development in Food Chain - ISFOODPropolis is rich in bioactive compounds like phenols and flavonoids, which make ft a promising alternative as a natural preservative. However, the use of propolis in the food industry is limited due to its strong, characteristic flavor. To overcome this problem, several strategies such as the combination with other ingredients or propolis microencapsulation have been studied. In this work, the addition of honeydew (no floral honey) to, and the elimination of the ethanol from, the propolis extract solution were used to mitigate this sensorial defect. Thus, the effect of these propolis solutions on beef quality during refrigerated storage were evaluated. Throughout storage, a decrease in the pH and the a*, indicative of microbial growth and oxidation, respectively, was observed in the control samples. Both deterioration processes were slowed down in the treated samples, demonstrating the antioxidant and antibacterial properties of the propolis and the honeydew. What is more, neither ethanol evaporation nor the addition of honeydew impaired the antimicrobial activity of the solutions, with the greatest microbial reductions observed in the former. With this solution, a reduction of 0.77 and 1.45 logarithmic units were observed for the mesophiles and the Enterobacteria, respectively. Finally, the propolis and honeydew solution presented the highest scores in all the sensory attributes analyzed. In conclusion, the strategies applied in this study were effective at enhancing propolis extract flavor whilst maintaining its antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. This could be a promising starting point for a wider use of propolis as a natural preservative in the food industry.Publication Open Access Natural plant extracts as inhibitors of potato polyphenol oxidase: the green tea case study(Elsevier, 2022) Bobo García, Gloria; Arroqui Vidaurreta, Cristina; Virseda Chamorro, Paloma; Agronomia, Bioteknologia eta Elikadura; Institute on Innovation and Sustainable Development in Food Chain - ISFOOD; Agronomía, Biotecnología y Alimentación; Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa; Gobierno de Navarra / Nafarroako GobernuaNatural plant extracts have emerged as a potential alternative to sulphites in minimally processed potatoes. The aim of this study was to evaluate the inhibitory capacity of various plant extracts on potato polyphenol oxidase (pPPO) and to optimize the extraction conditions for preventing browning in fresh-cut potatoes (cv. Monalisa). Fifteen aqueous plant extracts were characterized by their total phenolic content (TPC), antioxidant activity (AA) and their pPPO. Clove extract showed the highest TPC and AA among all plant extracts. Garlic, green tea and wheat bran and, clove and marjoram have a pPPO inhibition >50% at the lowest (1–25 g GAE L−1 extract) and highest (200–350 g GAE L1 extract) range of TPC, respectively. The green tea extract was selected for further evaluation due to its high capacity to inhibit pPPO activity regardless of the solution concentration. The optimum extraction conditions and treatment concentration were 55 °C, 7 min and 50 mL L1 of original extract solution. These conditions guaranteed the conservation of fresh-cut potato colour mainly preventing the reduction of luminosity parameter. Green tea extract controlled browning in fresh-cut potatoes (cv. Monalisa) for 14 days when stored at 4 °C.