Person: San Martín Murugarren, Ricardo
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San Martín Murugarren
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InaMat2. Instituto de Investigación en Materiales Avanzados y Matemáticas
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Publication Open Access Sound scene recreator: herramienta para investigar la percepción de paisajes sonoros(Sociedade Portuguesa de Acústica, 2020) Eguinoa Cabrito, Rubén; San Martín Murugarren, Ricardo; Arana Burgui, Miguel; Ciencias; ZientziakUno de los objetivos al analizar un paisaje sonoro es identificar sus componentes y su influencia en nuestra percepción del mismo. En esta comunicación se presenta una herramienta de software dedicada que facilita esta tarea. La herramienta permite controlar tanto el proceso de presentación de estímulos como la recopilación de datos y su exportación para el posterior análisis e interpretación. La aplicación presenta una escena sonora previamente sintetizada. A partir de las fuentes individuales y mediante un controlador MIDI que las posiciona espacialmente, el sujeto recrea el paisaje original. La herramienta permite alternar ambas escenas, además de recoger datos de localización de las fuentes utilizadas y otros juicios de tipo semántico. Su aplicación más evidente es la realización de ensayos relativos a la percepción de paisajes sonoros, discriminación en localización de fuentes, evaluación de algoritmos de renderización de audio espacial, o análisis de los procesos de atención selectiva.Publication Open Access Acoustic and psychoacoustic levels from an internal combustion engine fueled by hydrogen vs. gasoline(Elsevier, 2022) Arana Burgui, Miguel; San Martín Murugarren, Ricardo; Urroz Unzueta, José Carlos; Diéguez Elizondo, Pedro; Gandía Pascual, Luis; Zientziak; Ingeniaritza; Institute for Advanced Materials and Mathematics - INAMAT2; Ciencias; Ingeniería; Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate PublikoaWhereas noise generated by road traffic is an important factor in urban pollution, little attention has been paid to this issue in the field of hydrogen-fueled vehicles. The objective of this study is to analyze the influence of the type of fuel (gasoline or hydrogen) on the sound levels produced by a vehicle with an internal combustion engine. A Volkswagen Polo 1.4 vehicle adapted for its bi-fuel hydrogen-gasoline operation has been used. Tests were carried out with the vehicle when stationary to eliminate rolling and aerodynamic noise. Acoustics and psychoacoustics levels were measured both inside and outside the vehicle. A slight increase in the noise level has only been found outside when using hydrogen as fuel, compared to gasoline. The increase is statistically significant, can be quantified between 1.1 and 1.7 dBA and is mainly due to an intensification of the 500 Hz band. Loudness is also higher outside the vehicle (between 2 and 4 sones) when the fuel is hydrogen. Differences in sharpness and roughness values are lower than the just-noticeable difference (JND) values of the parameters. Higher noise levels produced by hydrogen can be attributed to its higher reactivity compared to gasoline.Publication Open Access Measurement and analysis of mechanical noise in wind turbines(Institute of Acoustics, 2016) Arana Burgui, Miguel; Machín Mindán, Jorge; San Martín Murugarren, Ricardo; Ciencias; ZientziakPublication Open Access Strategic noise map of a major road carried out with two environmental prediction software packages(Springer Netherlands, 2010) Arana Burgui, Miguel; San Martín Murugarren, Ricardo; San Martín Erviti, María Luisa; Aramendía Santamaría, Emilio; Física; FisikaThe main objective of this study is to analyze the differences found in the results of noise mapping using two of the most popular software techniques for the prediction of environmental noise. The location selected to conduct the comparative study is an area encompassed by the ring road that surrounds the city of Pamplona and on a grid, with a total of 6 × 105 points, approximately. In fact, and as the Environmental Noise Directive points out, it is a major road designated by a Member State (Spain). Configuration of the calculation parameters (discretization of the sources, ground absorption, reflection order, etc.) was as equivalent as possible as far as programs allow. In spite of that, a great number of differences appear in the findings. Although in 95.5% of the points the difference in the noise level calculated from the two programs was less than 3 dB, this general statistic result concealed some great differences. These are due to the various algorithms that programs implement to evaluate noise levels. Most differences pertain to highly screened receivers or remote ones. In the former, the algorithm of visibility is the main cause of such differences. In the latter, differences are mainly brought about by a different implementation of the propagation under homogeneous and favorable atmospheric conditions from both software systems.Publication Open Access Localization of sound sources in binaural reproduction of first and third order ambisonics(Poznan University of Technology, 2022) Sagasti, Amaia; Pietrzak, Agnieszka Paula; San Martín Murugarren, Ricardo; Eguinoa Cabrito, Rubén; Ciencias; ZientziakThe use of higher-order ambisonics in spatial sound recordings makes it possible to increase the accuracy of recording information about the direction from which the sound comes to the listener. However, with binaural ambisonic sound reproduction, the listener's ability to locate the sound source accurately may be limited. This paper presents a comparison of the listener's ability to locate a sound source during binaural listening to recordings made with first and third order ambisonic microphones. The analysis was carried out for two types of signal: pink noise and ringing sound. The analysis of localization errors depending on the ambisonics order, azimuth and elevation angles as well as the type of signal is presented. The obtained data indicate that in binaural reproduction of the ambisonic sound the localization errors in the azimuth plane were smaller for the third order ambisonics, compared to the first order. In the elevation plane both for first and third order the errors were significant.Publication Open Access Uncertainties caused by source directivity in room-acoustic investigations(Acoustical Society of America (ASA), 2008) San Martín Murugarren, Ricardo; Arana Burgui, Miguel; Física; FisikaAlthough deviations in the measurement of acoustic parameters should be lower than the subjectively perceivable change in the corresponding parameter measured, this study reflects that directionality of sound sources could cause wide audience areas to break away from this criterion at high frequencies, even when using dodecahedron loudspeakers which meet the requirements of the ISO 3382 standard. The directivity of four different acoustic sources was measured and the influence of its accurate orientation spatially quantified in five enclosures for speech and music. By means of simulation software, the number of receivers affected by uncertainties greater than difference limens was established.Publication Open Access Visualización de diferencias entre señales envolventes en formato ambisónico(Sociedad Española de Acústica, 2022) Eguinoa Cabrito, Rubén; Sagasti, Amaia; San Martín Murugarren, Ricardo; Pietrzak, Agnieszka Paula; Arana Burgui, Miguel; Ciencias; ZientziakAmbisonics es un formato de sonido de esfera completa en el que, en contraste con otros formatos envolventes, los canales no distribuyen la señal que alimenta a cada altavoz. Por ello, cuando se desea cuantificar diferencias entre diferentes codificaciones para evaluar la calidad de diferentes micrófonos ambisónicos, por ejemplo, la comparación directa de los niveles de cada canal no proporciona resultados fácilmente interpretables. En esta comunicación se presenta una aplicación en Matlab que facilita la comparación en tiempo real de señales en formato ambisónico hasta de séptimo orden. Las diferencias en cuanto a distribución espacial de energía sonora se visualizan en una proyección azimutal modificada que preserva las proporciones de las áreas. Para ello, se decodifica cada señal a una malla de altavoces virtuales espaciados uniformemente. Un cálculo posterior de los valores eficaces en cada punto permite representar la distribución de energía de cada señal y evaluar así su imagen espacial. Se muestran, a modo de ejemplo de uso, representaciones de diferentes órdenes de codificación para una misma escena sonora y del efecto sobre señales de primer orden de diferentes técnicas paramétricas de upmixing.Publication Open Access Simulación acústica de un evento singular en un entorno abierto: el Tribunal de las Aguas de la Huerta de Valencia(Sociedade Portuguesa de Acústica, 2020) Díaz, Elena; Pastor Aparicio, Adolfo; Fraile, Rubén; López Ballester, Jesús; Fayos, Rafael; San Martín Murugarren, Ricardo; Galindo, Miguel; Segura García, Jaume; Cerdá, Salvador; Arana Burgui, Miguel; Cibrián, Rosa; Giménez, Alicia; Ciencias; ZientziakEl Tribunal de las Aguas de la Huerta de Valencia, declarado Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial de la Humanidad en 2009 por la UNESCO, es la más antigua institución de justicia existente en Europa. Cada jueves, bajo la gótica Puerta de los Apóstoles de la Catedral de Valencia, se juzgan oralmente los pleitos entre los agricultores de las ocho acequias de la huerta valenciana. Dada la importancia de este evento y con el fin último de promocionar y preservar el Patrimonio Cultural Valenciano, el objetivo de este estudio es realizar la simulación acústica del entorno del Tribunal de las Aguas, utilizando para ello las herramientas proporcionadas por la acústica en recintos. A falta de una normativa especifica sobre este tipo de paisaje sonoro, se ha establecido una metodología de actuación basada en la norma UNE-EN ISO 3382-1.Publication Open Access Proyecto JAULAB, más allá del aula(Sociedad Española de Acústica, 2022) San Martín Murugarren, Ricardo; Eguinoa Cabrito, Rubén; Beunza, A.; Arana Burgui, Miguel; Ciencias; Zientziak; Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate PublikoaEl proyecto JAULAB surge desde el grupo de Acústica de la UPNA con el objetivo de, a través del arte, acercar el trabajo realizado en el Laboratorio de Acústica a espacios menos habituados al lenguaje científico y tecnológico. Para ello, se propuso a artistas de diferentes disciplinas la creación de una instalación sonora para experimentar con escenas sonoras en 3D. Se contactó con el Departamento de Escultura de la Escuela de Arte y Superior de Diseño de Pamplona, que se hizo cargo del diseño de la estructura principal. La estructura se construyó en la Fundación Elkarte, un centro que tiene como objetivo formar a colectivos de reinserción social en el ámbito de la soldadura. Asimismo, con la colaboración del grupo UpnaLab que fomenta la cultura Maker, se diseñaron e imprimieron los altavoces para la instalación. Los usuarios finales de la instalación pueden introducirse en una esfera de 3 metros de diámetro y son rodeados por 24 altavoces independientes que generan audio en forma de contenido sonoro personalizado, escalable, inmersivo e interactivo.Publication Open Access People exposed to traffic noise in european agglomerations from noise maps: a critical review(De Gruyter, 2014) Arana Burgui, Miguel; San Martín Murugarren, Ricardo; Salinas Hilburg, Juan Carlos; Física; FisikaTwo of the main objectives of the European Directive on environmental noise are, firstly, to unify acoustic indices for assessing environmental noise and, secondly, to standardize assessment methodologies. The ultimate goal is to objectively and comparably manage the impact and evolution of environmental noise caused both by urban agglomerations and by traffic infrastructures (roads, rails and airports). The use of common indices and methodologies (together with five-year plan assessment required by the authorities in charge) should show how noise pollution levels are evolving plus the effectiveness of corrective measures implemented in the action plans. In this paper, available results from numerous European agglomerations (with particular emphasis on Spanish agglomerations) are compared and analysed. The impact and its evolution are based on the percentage of people exposed to noise. More specifically, it demonstrates the impact caused by road traffic, which proves to be the main noise source in all agglomerations. In many cases, the results are extremely remarkable. In some case, the results are illogical. For such cases, it can be concluded that either assessment methodologies have been significantly amended or the input variables to the calculation programs have been remarkably changed. The uncertainty associated with the results is such that, in our opinion, no conclusions can be drawn concerning the effectiveness of remedial measures designed within the action plans after the Directive’s first implementation Phase.