Pindado Tapia, Emilio

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Pindado Tapia

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Gestión de Empresas





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  • PublicationOpen Access
    Researching the entrepreneurial behaviour of new and existing ventures in European agriculture
    (Springer, 2017) Pindado Tapia, Emilio; Sánchez García, Mercedes; Gestión de Empresas; Enpresen Kudeaketa
    This study analyzes differences existing between new and established agri-entrepreneurs as well as differences in relation to their counterparts in non-agricultural ventures. This study uses the resource-based view and institutional economics as conceptual frameworks and focuses on the analysis of the resources and capabilities, entrepreneurial orientation (risk-taking, proactiveness and innovativeness) and legitimation affecting the entrepreneurial process. The literature points out that the specific characteristics of the sector (strong family links and institutional support) can condition the entrepreneurship process. Thus, hypotheses are developed to test these relationships. We use random effects models to test our hypotheses with the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) for 20 European countries. Results show that agri-entrepreneurs have weaker entrepreneurial capabilities than other sectors. However, new entrants into the agricultural sector are not less entrepreneurial in relation to other sectors. On the other hand, established agri-entrepreneurs are less proactive than other sectors. Results suggest that new entrants into agriculture are more entrepreneurially oriented than established ones. Our study contributes to the entrepreneurship literature by contextualizing the entrepreneurship process and providing valuable insights for policy-makers to enhance farmers’ entrepreneurial skills and entrepreneurial orientation.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    International entrepreneurship in Africa: the roles of institutional voids, entrepreneurial networks and gender
    (Elsevier, 2023) Pindado Tapia, Emilio; Alarcón Lorenzo, Silverio; Sánchez García, Mercedes; García Martínez, Marian; Gestión de Empresas; Enpresen Kudeaketa; Institute on Innovation and Sustainable Development in Food Chain - ISFOOD
    This paper explored how institutional voids (market-unfriendly regulations and corruption) in the home country affect the internationalization degree of early-stage entrepreneurs in Africa. We examined the contingent roles of entrepreneurial networks and gender in the relationship between these institutional voids and entrepreneurs’ internationalization degree. We used 2003–2017 GEM data from 17 African countries and applied multilevel-ordered logistic models. Our analysis revealed that market-unfriendly regulations have a negative effect on the entrepreneurs’ internationalization degree and that corruption, in line with the escapism view, has a positive effect. Our results indicated that entrepreneurs engage in networking bricolage to internationalize their ventures and overcome context limitations. They also suggested that the internationalization degree of female entrepreneurs increases in market-unfriendly regulatory environments. Finally, our results showed that the ‘escapism effect’ of corruption is greater for female entrepreneurs; however, for female entrepreneurs with medium and large internationalization degrees, this context imposes additional constraints on them.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Entrepreneurial innovativeness: when too little or too much agglomeration hurts
    (Elsevier, 2023) Pindado Tapia, Emilio; Sánchez García, Mercedes; García Martínez, Marian; Enpresen Kudeaketa; Institute on Innovation and Sustainable Development in Food Chain - ISFOOD; Gestión de Empresas
    This study sheds light on the relationship between agglomeration, entrepreneurs' internal resources and capabilities, and new ventures' innovativeness using a multilevel framework. We argue that the urban agglomeration of economic agents within a country has an inverted U-shaped relationship with new ventures' innovativeness, suggesting that both insufficient and excessive agglomeration might be detrimental to entrepreneurial innovativeness. Additionally, we perform interactions between individual level factors and urban agglomeration to examine the differential effects of entrepreneurs' internal resources and capabilities. Results confirm our hypothesising that the geographical concentration of economic agents within a country exerts an inverted Ushaped influence on new ventures' innovativeness. Furthermore, we find that entrepreneurs with higher levels of education or prior entrepreneurial experience are better equipped to benefit from agglomeration and to mitigate its negative effects; in contrast, at low levels of agglomeration, entrepreneurs with lower resources exhibit increasing marginal returns. Entrepreneurs in contact with other entrepreneurs are better positioned to deal with agglomeration externalities although their benefits and drawbacks are intensified. Our research contributes to the understanding of agglomeration externalities and entrepreneurial innovativeness, its non-linear dynamics and differential effects.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Understanding agricultural entrepreneurship: its characteristics, drivers and context
    (2018) Pindado Tapia, Emilio; Sánchez García, Mercedes; Barrena Figueroa, Ramo; Gestión de Empresas; Enpresen Kudeaketa
    It is often stated that farmers need to become more entrepreneurial to compete in modern agriculture and that their entrepreneurship generates positive spillovers. Much of the literature on agricultural entrepreneurship, however, has been focused on established farmers and little is known about new entrants. Furthermore, there is a need for a more in-depth understanding of the contextual factors that shape entrepreneurship among farmers. Therefore, the objective of this thesis is to investigate the individual and contextual determinants of entrepreneurial behaviours among farmers, with a special focus on new entrants. In order to do so, agricultural entrepreneurship was studied in its multidimensional facets, including behaviour, opportunity identification, growth and innovation. A comprehensive approach was developed through five empirical studies addressing factors that influence these entrepreneurial dimensions. The first study describes the entrepreneurship of the sector, analyzing the differences existing between new and established agri-entrepreneurs in relation to their counterparts in non-agricultural ventures. Results show that agri-entrepreneurs have weaker entrepreneurial capabilities than other sectors. However, new entrants into the agricultural sector are not less entrepreneurial in relation to other sectors, and show greater entrepreneurialism than established farmers. The second study examines the drivers of entrepreneurialism among new entrants. Results suggest that new farmers with confidence in their entrepreneurial competencies and entrepreneurial experience tend to be more entrepreneurial. Likewise, farmers’ social ties with other entrepreneurs increase this behaviour. The third study focuses on growth-oriented new agricultural ventures and their context. Results reinforce the importance of the above capabilities and networks, as well as the capabilities to effectively offer new products. Institutional and industry contexts also influence them as they need social legitimation, and those operating in less agriculturally competitive countries have a greater probability of becoming growth-oriented. The fourth study focuses on entrepreneurial innovation providing evidence that different entrepreneurial innovations arise from different entrepreneurial assets and context configurations. Finally, the fifth study presents an innovative approach using Twitter data to analyse attitudes towards food innovations. We found a complex set of factors that may underlie positive attitudes such as cultural diversity and intensity of information flows. This thesis contributes to the entrepreneurship field by contextualizing the entrepreneurial process and providing valuable insights for policy-makers to enhance farmers’ entrepreneurship. Our findings highlight the importance of entrepreneurial competencies as well as professional networks, which have consequences for tailoring education and training programs. This research enhances our understanding of how entrepreneurship is enabled and constrained by several overlapping dimensions of context, which has implications for policies aimed at improving entrepreneurial ecosystems.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Growth-oriented new agricultural ventures: the role of entrepreneurial resources and capabilities under convergence forces
    (Oxford University Press, 2019) Pindado Tapia, Emilio; Sánchez García, Mercedes; Enpresen Kudeaketa; Institute on Innovation and Sustainable Development in Food Chain - ISFOOD; Gestión de Empresas
    Using a multilevel approach, this study examines how new entrants’ resources, capabilities and context influence growth-oriented new agricultural ventures. Results indicate that growth orientation is largely self-determined. The knowledge base of the new entrants, their social ties with entrepreneurs, together with the capabilities to identify and exploit opportunities, as well as those to effectively offer new products, trigger these growth-oriented ventures. Industry contexts also influence them, as those operating in less agriculturally competitive countries have a greater probability of becoming growth-oriented, suggesting convergence forces. Lastly, results reveal that competitiveness positively moderates the relationship between product innovation capabilities and growth orientation.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Gestión de la innovación en la cadena alimentaria: relevancia de la colaboración
    (Fondo para la Investigación Económica y Social de la Confederación Española de Cajas de Ahorros, 2024) Alarcón Lorenzo, Silverio; Barrena Figueroa, Ramo; García López de Meneses, Teresa; Pindado Tapia, Emilio; Sánchez García, Mercedes; Simón Elorz, Katrin; Gestión de Empresas; Enpresen Kudeaketa; Institute for Advanced Research in Business and Economics - INARBE; Institute on Innovation and Sustainable Development in Food Chain - ISFOOD
    La innovación se ha convertido en decisiva para las empresas agroalimentarias en sus desafíos de sostenibilidad, demanda cambiante e incremento de la competencia. Los procesos productivos con superior riesgo, su carácter estratégico, la estructura empresarial y los condicionantes rurales inciden en dichos procesos de innovación. Así, las opciones de colaboración en la innovación, el esfuerzo público-privado, y la creación de instrumentos de financiación y apoyo, favorecen el éxito innovador. Los retos en digitalización, ecoinnovación y el emprendimiento innovador también necesitan del ecosistema colaborativo. a aceptación final del consumidor de dichas innovaciones será más compleja, especialmente en contextos de incertidumbre económica
  • PublicationOpen Access
    New trends in the global digital transformation process of the agri-food sector: an exploratory study based on Twitter
    (Elsevier, 2022) Ancín Rípodas, María; Pindado Tapia, Emilio; Sánchez García, Mercedes; Enpresen Kudeaketa; Institute on Innovation and Sustainable Development in Food Chain - ISFOOD; Gestión de Empresas
    CONTEXT: The agri-food system is undergoing pervasive changes in business models, facilitated by the use of digital technologies. Although today it is almost inevitable for any business to adopt some level of digital transformation to strengthen their competitiveness, this transition in the agri-food sector could be more complex, given its characteristics. OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study is to analyse worldwide the perceptions of new digital technologies in the agri-food sector expressed within social media platforms, identifying the differences that may exist between them regarding its objectives and social acceptance. METHODS: This paper examines the information regarding digital transformation process in the agri-food sector disseminated worldwide on Twitter. For that purpose, Twitter API is used to gather tweets and descriptive and content analyses, including a sentiment analysis, are performed using R and MAXQDA software. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: We found that the digitalization of the agri-food sector is broadly discussed within Twitter. Different actors participate in these information flows, being companies and digital solution providers the most active users and academics and governmental institutions the most visible. Artificial Intelligence was the most mentioned technology, that together with the Internet of Things, Big Data, Machine Learning, and Cloud Computing, was related to improving production efficiencies, crop yield, or cost reduction. In the case of Blockchain Technology, it was closer to food supply chain actors, such as distribution companies and marketers. However, all these technologies are connected to the concept of sustainability. The sentiment analysis showed a generally positive tone, indicating social acceptance regarding the starting phase of the adoption of these technologies. The study also identified differences among countries, pointing to a stronger level of engagement with these technologies in developed regions. Moreover, the COVID-19 pandemic was seen as a chance to boost the digital transformation in the sector all over the world. SIGNIFICANCE: Our results demonstrate that data harvested from Twitter provide useful insight into perceptions of digital transformation and different digital technologies in the agri-food value chain across different countries. Information that could be useful for researchers, but also for agricultural firms and policymakers.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Factores de rentabilidad en la industria cárnica de Castilla y León
    (Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente, 2015) Pindado Tapia, Emilio; Alarcón Lorenzo, Silverio; Gestión de Empresas; Enpresen Kudeaketa
    Se realiza una caracterización de las empresas cárnicas de Castilla y León en el periodo 2009-2011 a partir de su información contable, con especial énfasis sobre la rentabilidad y los elementos internos y externos que se relacionan con ella. La aplicación de técnicas clúster conduce a 5 grupos en función de sus estrategias de diferenciación de producto (márgenes elevados) o de liderazgo en costes (rotaciones elevadas). Los tres primeros grupos incluyen empresas dedicadas a productos de calidad, con resultados diversos pues mientras algunas empresas obtienen altos márgenes en otras son negativos. Las empresas de elaboración de productos de calidad media, con márgenes y rotaciones intermedias, presentan mejores resultados y perspectivas. Por su parte el clúster correspondiente a procesado de carne, con los márgenes más pequeños y las rotaciones más elevadas, es el que se encuentra en peor situación, con resultados negativos en 2011. El modelo econométrico estimado muestra además cómo el tamaño y la ubicación son decisivos para explicar la rentabilidad de las cárnicas de Castilla y León. Una potenciación de ambos podría frenar el declive que se detecta en el periodo 2009-2011.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    The structure of consumer decision-making and sensory innovations in wine labeling
    (Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA), 2021) Barrena Figueroa, Ramo; García López de Meneses, Teresa; Pindado Tapia, Emilio; Gestión de Empresas; Enpresen Kudeaketa
    Aim of study: To understand how a consumer’s decision-making process on wine choice varies when faced with labels introducing either a scratch-and-sniff strip or a Thermo-sensitive indicator as a novelty. Area of study: Navarre (Spain). Material and methods: This study applies the laddering survey method based on means-end chain theory to link product attributes to consumption benefits and values pursued. Main results: In the context of these sensory innovations in labeling, the brand name of a product ceases to be of importance in this sector, with the new label becoming the relevant issue, associated with quality and aspects related to social wine consumption. In addition to this, these innovations make the decision-making process more complex by including more aspects of consumers’ personalities. Research highlights: For innovative labeling introducing sensory cues, the complexity of consumers’ selection process increases, the wine brand loses importance and the label design gains importance as a signal of quality. Labeling innovations could be a great opportunity for wine companies with low marketplace positioning to improve their position and obtain better results in a highly competitive market.