Publication: Design procedure for new compact waffle-iron ilters with transmission zeros
Métricas Alternativas
In this paper, a novel waffle-iron filter with transmission zeros at multiple frequencies, along with its design procedure, is presented. The proposed filter features a high-power behavior and a wide rejected band in a single compact structure by means of a set of transmission zeros that can also be placed close to the passband. Its design method rests on a divide-and-rule strategy, where the physical dimensions of the constituent design entities (DEs) can be easily computed in a very short time. A novel high-power compact waffle-iron filter with transmission zeros at multiple frequencies has been designed as well as several classical waffle-iron filters with transmission zeros at one frequency only, using a detailed step-by-step procedure which avoids the bruteforce optimizations needed until now. Multipactor and corona simulations have been conducted proving a high-power handling capability of 1.8 kW and 78.6 W, respectively. A prototype of the novel filter has been fabricated, obtaining a remarkable accordance between the simulated and measured results.
Doctorate program
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