Type-2 fuzzy entropy-sets

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Acceso abierto / Sarbide irekia
Artículo / Artikulua
Versión aceptada / Onetsi den bertsioa

Project identifier



The final goal of this study is to adapt the concept of fuzzy entropy of De Luca and Termini to deal with Type-2 Fuzzy Sets. We denote this concept Type-2 Fuzzy Entropy-Set. However, the construction of the notion of entropy measure on an infinite set, such us [0, 1], is not effortless. For this reason, we first introduce the concept of quasi-entropy of a Fuzzy Set on the universe [0, 1]. Furthermore, whenever the membership function of the considered Fuzzy Set in the universe [0, 1] is continuous, we prove that the quasi-entropy of that set is a fuzzy entropy in the sense of De Luca y Termini. Finally, we present an illustrative example where we use Type-2 Fuzzy Entropy-Sets instead of fuzzy entropies in a classical fuzzy algorithm.


Type-2 fuzzy sets, Quasi-entropy measure, Entropy measure


Automática y Computación / Automatika eta Konputazioa



Doctorate program

Editor version

Funding entities

This work was supported by the Research Service of Universidad Publica de Navarra as well as by the projects TIN2013-40765-P and TIN2012-32482 of the Spanish Ministry of Science and by the Brazilian funding agencies CNPq (under Proc. No. 480832/2011-0 and No. 307681/2012-2) and CAPES (under Proc. No. 5778/2014-00).

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