Impact of methods for data selection on the day-to-day reproducibility of resting metabolic rate assessed with four different metabolic carts




Jurado Fasoli, Lucas
Dote-Montero, Manuel
Merchán Ramírez, Elisa
Amaro Gahete, Francisco J.
Ruiz, Jonatan R.
Sánchez Delgado, Guillermo



Acceso abierto / Sarbide irekia
Artículo / Artikulua
Versión publicada / Argitaratu den bertsioa

Project identifier

European Commission/Horizon 2020 Framework Programme/101028941openaire


Background and aims: Accomplishing a high day-to-day reproducibility is important to detect changes in resting metabolic rate (RMR) and respiratory exchange ratio (RER) that may be produced after an intervention or for monitoring patients’ metabolism over time. We aimed to analyze: (i) the influence of different methods for selecting indirect calorimetry data on RMR and RER assessments; and, (ii) whether these methods influence RMR and RER day-to-day reproducibility. Methods and results: Twenty-eight young adults accomplished 4 consecutive RMR assessments (30-min each), using the Q-NRG (Cosmed, Rome, Italy), the Vyntus CPX (Jaeger-CareFusion, Höchberg, Germany), the Omnical (Maastricht Instruments, Maastricht, The Netherlands), and the Ultima CardiO2 (Medgraphics Corporation, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA) carts, on 2 consecutive mornings. Three types of methods were used: (i) short (periods of 5 consecutive minutes; 6e10, 11e15, 16e20, 21e25, and 26e30 min) and long time intervals (TI) methods (6e25 and 6 e30 min); (ii) steady state (SSt methods); and, (iii) methods filtering the data by thresholding from the mean RMR (filtering methods). RMR and RER were similar when using different methods (except RMR for the Vyntus and RER for the Q-NRG). Conversely, using different methods impacted RMR (all P 0.037) and/or RER (P 0.009) day-to-day reproducibility in all carts. The 6e25 min and the 6e30 min long TI methods yielded more reproducible measurements for all metabolic carts. Conclusion: The 6e25 min and 6e30 min should be the preferred methods for selecting data, as they result in the highest day-to-day reproducibility of RMR and RER assessments.



Between-days reproducibility, Coefficient of variation, Indirect calorimetry, REE, Reliability, Resting energy expenditure


Ciencias de la Salud / Osasun Zientziak / Institute on Innovation and Sustainable Development in Food Chain - ISFOOD



Doctorate program

Alcantara, J. M. A., Jurado-Fasoli, L., Dote-Montero, M., Merchan-Ramirez, E., Amaro-Gahete, F. J., Labayen, I., Ruiz, J. R., & Sanchez-Delgado, G. (2023). Impact of methods for data selection on the day-to-day reproducibility of resting metabolic rate assessed with four different metabolic carts. Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases, 33(11), 2179-2188.

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