Knowledge of the natural and social environment in ICT consumer children

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Acceso abierto / Sarbide irekia
Contribución a congreso / Biltzarrerako ekarpena
Versión publicada / Argitaratu den bertsioa

Project identifier


This study shows the influence of the current technological culture and ICT in the dynamics of socialization and the process of interaction with the reality of 2 to 4 year old children who are active or passive consumers of digital technology. Following the action-research method proposed by Kemmis (2010), the results of a previous study conducted with students of the Early Childhood Education Degree are analyzed. An alteration is observed in the children’s mental representation of the natural and social reality, in their interpretation and interaction, showing the need to develop a training program for prevention and correction, together with students, teachers and parents-mothers. Pedagogical, educational, psychosocial and technical characteristics that the program should have are provided, in order to contribute to the prevention and intervention on the issue, from the attention to health and transcultural variables, such as emotional expression, self and co-regulation characteristics, the socialization patterns, the development of attention and memory, motor skills, motivation and horizontal technology transfer.


Trabajo presentado a la 7th International Conference on Intercultural Education “Education, Health and ICT for a Transcultural World”, EDUHEM 2016, 15-17 junio de 2016, Almeria.


Education in new technologies, Information and communications technology, Digital culture, Transculturality, Horizontal transfer of technology


Psicología y Pedagogía / Psikologia eta Pedagogia



Doctorate program

© 2017 The Authors. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license.

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