On the performance of an ENZ-based sensor using transmission line theory and effective medium approach

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IOP Publishing
Acceso abierto / Sarbide irekia
Artículo / Artikulua
Versión publicada / Argitaratu den bertsioa

Project identifier



In this paper we perform an in-depth theoretical studyofa sensing platform based on epsilon-near- zero (ENZ) metamaterials. The structure proposed for sensing is a narrow metallic waveguide channel. An equivalent circuit model is rigorouslydeduced using transmission line theory, considering several configurations for a dielectric body (analyte sample) inserted within the narrow channel, showing good agreement with results obtained from numerical simulations. The transmission line model is able to reproduce even the most peculiar details ofthe sensing platform response. Its performance is then evaluated byvarying systematically the size, position and permittivity ofthe analyte, and height ofthe ENZ channel. It is shown that the sensor is capable ofdetecting changes in the permittivity/ refractive index or position even with deeplysubwavelength analyte sizes (∼0.05λ0), giving a sensitivity up to 0.03m/RIU and a figure ofMerit∼25. The effective medium approach is evaluated by treating the inhomogeneous cross-section ofthe analyte as a transmission line filled with a homogeneous material.


Epsilon-near-zero, Metamaterials, Sensing, Metamaterial sensor, Subwavelength sensing


Ingeniaritza Elektrikoa, Elektronikoaren eta Telekomunikazio Ingeniaritzaren / Institute for Advanced Materials and Mathematics - INAMAT2 / Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y de Comunicación



Doctorate program

Editor version

Funding entities

VP-P is supported by the Newcastle University (Newcastle University Research Fellow). MB acknowledges support by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad under contract TEC2014-51902-C2-2-R. PR-U was sponsored by Public University of Navarra via a predoctoral scholarship. NE acknowledges the partial support from the Vannevar Bush Faculty Fellowship program sponsored by the Basic Research Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering and funded by the Office of Naval Research through grant N00014-16-1-2029.

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