Estimation of the solar thermal power generation potential in Pamplona (northern Spain)

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Universidad Carlos III
Acceso abierto / Sarbide irekia
Contribución a congreso / Biltzarrerako ekarpena
Versión publicada / Argitaratu den bertsioa

Project identifier

Gobierno de Navarra//


In this work, an analysis of the potential of the city of Pamplona to produce solar thermal energy was carried out, according to the solar radiation received. As a result, for each residential, industrial, or service rooftop, information was provided on (1) the area available for thermal installation, (2) the solar thermal installation capacity and (3) the monthly and annual thermal energy generation potential. It was found that, if all suitable areas of the city are used, it would be possible to achieve an annual total solar thermal energy production of 1197.69 GWh. If solar energy supply and thermal demand were perfectly coupled over time, it would be possible to cover 99.1% of Pamplona's thermal energy demand.


Trabajo presentado a la XII National and III International Conference on Engineering Thermodynamics. Madrid, 2022


Solar map, Urban solar thermal potential, Energy transition


Ingeniería / Ingeniaritza / Institute of Smart Cities - ISC



Doctorate program

García, I., Prieto, E., Torres, J. L. (2022) Estimation of the solar thermal power generation potential in Pamplona (northern Spain). En Acosta-Iborra, A., Marugán-Cruz, C., Sánchez-Delgado S. (Eds.). XII National and III International Conference on Engineering Thermodynamics. Proceedings Book. (pp. 955-964). Universidad Carlos III

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