Publication: Outdoor performance of a CdTe based PV generator during 5 years of operation
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Together with the huge growth of the traditional crystalline silicon (Si-x) PV manufacturers, other thin-film solar cells have also emerged such as cadmium telluride (CdTe) manufacturers. They are characterized by the fact that they were created to reduce costs and by the scarcity of silicon, from which the rest of the modules are made. Despite they need more space to generate the same amount of energy as crystalline modules, their price is supposed to be much lower, and argue that they have a better performance at high temperatures. However, real comparisons between the outdoor performance of CdTe and Si-x modules have been scarcely addressed in the literature. This paper provides a comparison under real operating conditions of a CdTe photovoltaic generator versus a conventional silicon generator during 5 years of operation in a mid-latitude area, identifying the causes of the differences observed.
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