Publication: Mid-air contactless haptics to augment VR experiences
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We present four technologies to deliver contactless haptic stimuli for enriching Virtual Reality (VR) experiences. The technologies are electrostatic piloerection, focused light-induced heat, electric plasma, and ultrasound; the user does not require to wear or touch any device. We describe the working principle behind each technology and how these technologies can provide new exciting sensations in VR experiences. Additionally, we showcase a VR demo experience gathering all four remote haptic stimuli along a circuit for the users to experiment with these new sensations.
Doctorate program
Editor version
Funding entities
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Comunicaciones y ponencias de congresos - Biltzarrak eta Argitalpenak
Comunicaciones y ponencias de congresos ISC - ISC biltzarretako komunikazioak eta txostenak
Investigaciones financiadas por la Unión Europea (OpenAire) - Europar Batasunak finantzatutako ikerketak (OpenAire)
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