Comunicaciones y ponencias de congresos DPA - NES Biltzarretako komunikazioak eta txostenak
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Publication Open Access Size and number variation of adipocytes during the growth of Rasa Aragonesa lambs(CIHEAM, 1995) Purroy Unanua, Antonio; Mendizábal Aizpuru, José Antonio; Soret Lafraya, Beatriz; Horcada, Alberto; Lizaso, G.; Mendizábal Múgica, Francisco Javier; Arana Navarro, Ana; Producción Agraria; Nekazaritza EkoizpenaThe size and number of adipocytes of different fat depots was studied in 45 male lambs of the Rasa Aragonesa breed, distributed in three groups of 15 lambs (G12, G24, G36), slaughtered respectively at 11.7 ± 0.67,24.5 ± 0.57 and 35.8 ± 1.74 kg live weight (LW) and at an age of 32 ± 5, 89 ± 8 and 123 ± 8 days. G12 lambs were slaughtered on the day of weaning, G24 and G36 lambs were weaned respectively at 16.2 ± 1.32 and 18.3 ± 2.46 kg LW and were fed from then onwards on concentrated fodder and barley straw ad libitum until they were slaughtered. The results obtained show that there is a significant increase in the amount of fat deposited in three internal (omental, mesenteric and kidney knob and channel) fat depots as the LW at slaughter increases (P<0.01). A similar phenomenon occurs in the size of the adipocytes, hypertrophy being more evident between 24 and 36 kg (P<0.01) than between 12 and 24 kg, except in the intermuscular fat depot, where the differences were between the two most extreme weight(P <0.01). The number of adipocytes in the omental and mesenteric fat depots increased significantly during the period of the study (P<0.01) while no variation occurred in the kidney knob and channel fat depot during the same period.Publication Open Access Lipogenic enzyme activity in growing Rasa Aragonesa lambs(CIHEAM, 1995) Arana Navarro, Ana; Soret Lafraya, Beatriz; Corroza Muro, Manuel; Mendizábal Aizpuru, José Antonio; Mendizábal Múgica, Francisco Javier; Horcada, Alberto; Eguinoa Ancho, Paola; Purroy Unanua, Antonio; Producción Agraria; Nekazaritza Ekoizpena; Química Aplicada; Kimika AplikatuaThe lipogenic enzyme activity of the following enzymes was studied: Glycerol 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (G3PDH), fatty acids synthetase (FAS), NADP-Malate dehydrogenase (ME) and Glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH) in five fat depots (omental, OM; mesenteric, MES; kidney knob and channel, KKC; subcutaneous, SC; intermuscular, IM) in 45 male Rasa Aragonesa lambs divided into three groups of 15 lambs (G12, G24, G36). They were slaughtered respectively at 11.70 ± 0.67; 24.50 ± 0.57 and 35.80 ± 1.74 kg of live weight (LW) and at 32 ± 5; 89 ± 8, and 123 ± 8 days old. The G12 lambs were slaughtered on the day of weaning, having consumed solely their mother's milk; those in the G24 and G36 groups were weaned at 16.20 ± 1.32 and 18.30 ± 2.46 kg LW respectively, were fed from then onward concentrated fodder and barley straw ad libitum until they were slaughtered. Between 24 and 36 kg LW an increase in the activity of the G3PDH and FAS lipogenic enzymes was observed. The increasine the 'de novo' synthesis (FAS) at 36 kg LW was matched by G6PDH activity, which indicates greater use of acetate as a precursor of fatty acids. Furthermore, the maintenance of ME activity during the period studied would indicate that the glucose rate utilization for the fatty acids synthesis was not modified throughout this period.Publication Open Access Efecto del peso de sacrificio en la calidad de la carne de cordero de raza Lacha(SEOC, 1996) Horcada, A.; Beriain Apesteguía, María José; Purroy Unanua, Antonio; Lizaso, G.; Chasco Ugarte, Julia Margarita; Mendizábal Aizpuru, José Antonio; Mendizábal, F.J.; Producción Agraria; Nekazaritza EkoizpenaEn 57 corderos machos de raza Lacha sacrificados con 12, 18, 24 y 36 kg de peso vivo (PV) y aproximadamente 25, 70, 90 y 130 días de edad respectivamente, se han determinado varios parámetros relacionados con la calidad de la carne (pH, Capacidad de retención de agua, dureza, contenido de mioglobina, y medidas físicas del color) y con la composición química (humedad, proteína total, grasa intramuscular y cenizas) del músculo longissimus dorsi. Así mismo, se ha estudiado la naturaleza y composición de la grasa intramuscular (IM) del músculo longissimus dorsi y de la grasa subcutánea (SC) que rodea al mismo. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que la carne procedente de los corderos de 24 kg ha presentado valores de pH final (pH24h) más elevados que la del resto de los pesos vivos (p<0,01), así como una mayor facilidad para desprender agua que la de los corderos sacrificados con 12 kg de PV (p<0,001). Con el incremento del peso de sacrificio se ha observado en el músculo longissimus dorsi un aumento del contenido de grasa IM (p<0,01), de mioglobina (p<0,01), del índice de rojo (coordenada a*) (p<0,001) y un descenso de la luminosidad (coordenada L*) (p<0,001). Respecto a la naturaleza de la grasa se ha observado que con el incremento del peso vivo, el valor de índice de yodo aumentó en la grasa SC (p<0,01), mientras que en la grasa IM disminuyó (p<0,001). Así mismo, se ha observado que en ambos depósitos grasos (IM y SC) el contenido de ácidos grasos insaturados totales aumentó (p<0,001) debido principalmente al incremento del porcentaje del ácido graso mayoritario oleico (C18:1) (p<0,001).Publication Open Access Utilización de jabones cálcicos de ácidos grasos de aceite de oliva en el pienso para cebo de corderos: hipertrofia e hiperplasia de los adipocitos(Sociedad Española de Ovinotecnia y Caprinotecnia, 2001) Alzón, M.; Arana Navarro, Ana; Santamaría, C.; Mendizábal Aizpuru, José Antonio; Erburu, J. A.; Eguinoa Ancho, Paola; Purroy Unanua, Antonio; Producción Agraria; Nekazaritza EkoizpenaSe ha estudiado el efecto que sobre el desarrollo de diferentes depósitos grasos, tiene la inclusión de jabones cálcicos de ácidos grasos de aceite de oliva (5 p.100) en el pienso para cebo en corderos de raza Navarra. Los corderos que consumieron el pienso con jabones cálcicos de aceite de oliva mostraron en los depósitos omental y pelvicorrenal adipocitos de mayor tamaño que los que consumieron pienso sin jabones cálcicos de aceite de oliva (P<0,05), no encontrándose diferencias en el número de adipocitos. Tampoco se encontraron diferencias significativas entre los dos grupos de corderos en el estado de engrasamiento, ni en el espesor graso dorsal, ni tampoco en el tamaño de los adipocitos del depósito subcutáneo. Todo ello indicaría que la ingestión de piensos con jabones cálcicos de aceite de oliva se ha reflejado en un mayor engrasamiento de los depósitos omental y pelvicorrenal que se habría debido principalmente a la hipertrofia de sus adipocitos.Publication Open Access Variación de la actividad lipogénica en cabras de raza Blanca Celtibérica según su estado corporal(Sociedad Española de Ovinotecnia y Caprinotecnia, 2001) Mendizábal Aizpuru, José Antonio; Delfa, R.; Eguinoa Ancho, Paola; Arana Navarro, Ana; González, C.; Alzón, M.; Purroy Unanua, Antonio; Producción Agraria; Nekazaritza EkoizpenaEn 22 cabras adultas, secas y vacías, de raza Blanca Celtibérica con notas de condición corporal esternal comprendidas entre 1,5 y 4,5, se ha estudiado la variación de la cantidad de grasa, del tamaño y número de adipocitos, y de la actividad de las enzimas lipogénicas Glicerol 3P deshidrogenasa (G3PDH) y Sintetasa de ácidos grasos (FAS) en los depósitos grasos omental (OM), mesentérico (MES), pelvicorrenal (PVR), subcutáneo (SC) e intermuscular (IM) con la nota de condición corporal. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que el depósito graso SC es el que sufre un proceso de acumulación-movilización más intenso, seguido del OM, PVR, MES e IM, en este orden. El tamaño de los adipocitos varió en el mismo sentido que la cantidad de grasa, no observándose, en general, modificaciones en el número de adipocitos al variar la nota de condición corporal. Por último, la actividad de las enzimas G3PDH y FAS no se vió influenciada por la nCC.Publication Open Access Acumulación/movilización de reservas grasas: especie caprina versus especie ovina(Universidad Cardenal Herrera-CEU. Fundación Universitaria San Pablo-CEU, 2002) Mendizábal Aizpuru, José Antonio; Delfa, R.; Eguinoa Ancho, Paola; Arana Navarro, Ana; González, C.; Alzón, M.; Purroy Unanua, Antonio; Producción Agraria; Nekazaritza EkoizpenaEn 20 cabras de raza Blanca Celtibérica (PV: 55,8±12,95Kg.) con notas de condición corporal esternal comprendidas entre 1,5 y 4,5 (3±1,0; escala 0-5) y 20 ovejas de raza Rasa Aragonesa (PV: 55,5±12,46Kg.) con notas de condición corporal lumbar comprendidas entre 1,5 y 4,5 (3±1,0; escala 0-5), todas ellas adultas, secas y vacías, se ha estudiado la variación de la cantidad de grasa en los depósitos grasos omental (OM), mesentérico (MES), pelvicorrenal (PR), subcutáneo (SC) e intermuscular (IM) con la nota de condición corporal (mee). Los resultados obtenidos muestran que, en general, las cabras de raza Blanca Celtibérica presentaban mayor cantidad de grasa que las ovejas de raza Rasa Aragonesa (11.129 frente a 8.450 gr. de grasa total) para una nCC media de 3 y un PV de 56 Kg. en ambas especies. Unicamente, en el depósito PR las ovejas presentaron mayor cantidad de grasa que las cabras (1.878 vs 1636 g). En la especie caprina, la mayor acumulación/movilización de grasa por unidad de variación de la nCC se produjo en el depósito OM (1938 g), mientras que en la especie ovina tuvo lugar en el depósito PR (1219 g). No obstante, si comparamos la variación relativa de cada depósito graso (proporcional al peso medio de cada depósito) ésta tuvo lugar en ambas especies en el subcutáneo, con una variación del 72,5 y 65,3% en las cabras y ovejas, respectivamente.Publication Open Access Caracterización de las 'Costillas de Palo' de cordero de raza Navarra. I. Composición tisular(Universidad Cardenal Herrera-CEU. Fundación Universitaria San Pablo-CEU, 2002) Mendizábal Aizpuru, José Antonio; Alzón, M.; Arana Navarro, Ana; Eguinoa Ancho, Paola; Delfa, R.; Beriain Apesteguía, María José; Purroy Unanua, Antonio; Producción Agraria; Nekazaritza EkoizpenaSe ha estudiado la composición tisular de 46 costillas de palo (10ª y 11ª) procedentes de 23 corderos de raza Navarra sacrificados con 24,2±1,55Kg. de peso vivo y 98±6,3d de edad. El peso medio de la costilla fue de 78,4±10,82g, de los que el porcentaje de músculo supuso el 48,5±4,16%, el de grasa 29,3±4,78% y el de hueso 15,0±3,19%, respectivamente. El músculo Longissimus dorsi, que presentó un área media de 9,6±1,34cm2, supuso el 52,4±6,30% del músculo total de la costilla. El componente óseo se distribuyó en un 41,8% en la costilla y el 58,2% en la vertebra. La grasa subcutánea supuso el 50,1% de la grasa total diseccionada, correspondiendo el 49,9% restante a la intermuscular. Por último, se midió la grasa intramuscular o de veteado que presentaba el músculo Longissimus dorsi, ocupando dicha grasa un 2,5±0,98% de la superficie de dicho músculo. El número medio de vetas de grasa en cada costilla fue de 5,6±1,92 y el tamaño medio de éstas de 4,5±1,74mm2.Publication Open Access Caracterización de las 'Costillas de Palo' de cordero de raza Navarra. II. Composición en ácidos grasos(Universidad Cardenal Herrera-CEU. Fundación Universitaria San Pablo-CEU, 2002) Beriain Apesteguía, María José; Horcada, Alberto; Gorraiz Olangua, María Cristina; Eguinoa Ancho, Paola; Induráin Báñez, Gregorio; Arana Navarro, Ana; Purroy Unanua, Antonio; Mendizábal Aizpuru, José Antonio; Producción Agraria; Nekazaritza EkoizpenaSe ha estudiado la composición en ácidos grasos de la grasa intramuscular y subcutánea de las costillas de palo de 23 corderos ternascos de raza Navarra. La grasa intramuscular presentó un 58,9% de ácidos grasos insaturados (AGI) y un 40,8% de ácidos grasos saturados (AGS). Los AGI mayoritarios fueron el oleico (C 18:1), el linoleico (C 18:2) y el araquidónico (C 20:4) que supusieron un 38,6, 7,3 y 8,5% respectivamente del total de ácidos grasos. Entre los AGS los mayoritarios fueron el palmítico (C 16:0) y el esteárico (C 18:0), los cuales supusieron un 29,7 y 13,7% respectivamente. La grasa subcutánea mostró un mayor contenido en AGS que la grasa intramuscular (47,7 vs 40,8%). Estas diferencias se reflejaron en la relación entre ácidos grasos poliinsaturados y saturados (AGP/AGS) que fue de 0,1 para la grasa subcutánea y de 0,5 para la grasa intramuscular.Publication Open Access Isolation, molecular characterization and location of telomeric sequences of the basidiomycete Pleurotus ostreatus var. florida(Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa, 2006) Pérez Garrido, María Gumersinda; Pisabarro de Lucas, Gerardo; Ramírez Nasto, Lucía; Producción Agraria; Nekazaritza EkoizpenaThe white rot fungus Pleurotus ostreatus is an edible basidiomycete of increasing biotechnological interest due to its ability to degrade both wood and chemicals related to lignin degradation products. Telomeres are specialized structures at the end of all eukaryotic chromosomes. Ensure chromosome stability and protect the ends from degradation and from fusing with other chromosomes. Telomeres sequences are extraordinary highly conserved in evolution. The loss of telomeric repeats triggers replicative senescence in cells. For identification of restriction telomeric fragments in a previously described linkage map of Pleurotus ostreatus var. florida (Larraya et al., 2000), dikaryotic and eighty monokaryotic genomic DNAs were digested with diferents restriction enzymes (BamHI, BglII, HindIII, EcoRI, PstI, SalI, XbaI and XhoI) electrophoresed and transferred to nylon membranes. Numerous polymorphic bands were observed when membranes were hibridized with human telomericd probe (TTAGGG)132 (heterologous probe). Telomeric restriction fragments were genetically mapped to a previously described linkage map of Pleurotus ostreatus var.florida, using RFLPs identified by a human telomeric probe (tandemly repeating TTAGGG hexanucleotide). Segregation of each telomeric restriction fragment was recorded as the presence vs. absence of a hibridizing band. Segregation data for seventy three telomeric restriction fragments was used as an input table to be analysed as described by Ritter et al. (1990) and by Ritter and Salamini (1996) by using the MAPRF program software. Seventeen out of twenty two telomeres were identified. Telomere and telomere-associated (TA) DNA sequences of the basidiomycete Pleurotus ostreatus were isolated by using a modified version of single- specific-primer polymerase chain reaction (SSP-PCR) technique (Sohapal et al., 2000). Telomeres of Pleurotus ostreatus contain at least twenty five copies of non-coding tandemly repeated sequence (TTAGGG).Publication Open Access Genetic breeding of edible mushrooms: from the genome to the production of new varieties of Pleurotus ostreatus(Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa, 2006) Pisabarro de Lucas, Gerardo; Peñas Parrila, María Manuela; Pérez Garrido, María Gumersinda; Park, Sang-Kyu; Eizmendi Goicoechea, Arantza; Parada Albarracín, Julián Andrés; Palma Dovis, Leopoldo; Idareta Olagüe, Eneko; Jurado Cabanillas, Javier; Castellón Gadea, Jordi; Ramírez Nasto, Lucía; Producción Agraria; Nekazaritza EkoizpenaThe breeding of new varieties of industrially cultivated edible mushrooms must proceed in the framework defined by the breeding objectives, the biological characteristics of the material and the legal and cultural constraints imposed to the breeding technology to be used. This last aspect is of the greatest importance in the case of a food that is considered in European countries as high quality and closer to nature than other industrially produced foods. This fact prevents the use of genetic-engineering based technologies for breeding, as the consumers would hardly accept genetically modified mushrooms. Consequently, mushroom breeding should be based on time-consuming processes of classic breeding. Molecular biology, however, can offer to the breeders useful tools for speeding up the selection process, for evaluating the new bred lines and, last but not least, to identify and eventually protect legally the outcome of their breeding programs.Publication Open Access Nutritional value of protein from vegetative mycelia of edible mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus(Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa, 2006) Parada Albarracín, Julián Andrés; Urdaneta, Elena; Marzo Pérez, Florencio; Ramírez Nasto, Lucía; Pisabarro de Lucas, Gerardo; Producción Agraria; Nekazaritza Ekoizpena; Ciencias del Medio Natural; Natura Ingurunearen ZientziakThe present work was designed to study the effects of supplementation a control diet with P. ostreatus mycelium for evaluation a nutritional value of mycoprotein and possible cholesterol lowering.Publication Open Access Molecular characterization of A cellobiohydrolase gene family in the fungus Pleurotus ostreatus(Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa, 2006) Eizmendi Goicoechea, Arantza; Sannia, Giovanni; Ramírez Nasto, Lucía; Pisabarro de Lucas, Gerardo; Producción Agraria; Nekazaritza EkoizpenaCellulose is the most abundant biological polymer on Earth. Its chemical composition consists of D-glucose units linked by β-1,4- glycosidic bonds forming linear polymeric chains with a reducing and a non-reducing end. Cellulose chains may either adhere to each other, via hydrophobic and van der Waals interactions, forming crystalline structures or remain more loosely packaged (amorphous cellulose). Consequently, the physical structure and morphology of native cellulose is complex and not uniform. Biological degradation of cellulose depends on the action of three types of enzymes: endoglucanases (E.C., cellobiohydrolases (E.C. and β-glucosidases (E.C. All them hydrolyse β-1,4-glycosidic bonds but they differ on the substrate specificity. Endoglucanases hydrolyse the amorphous regions of the cellulose fibbers generating new reducing and non-reducing ends, cellobiohydrolases attack the molecule ends yielding cellobiose units, and β-glucosidases hydrolyse cellobiose molecules yielding glucose. Cellobiohydrolases can be classified into two groups: type I (CBHI) and type II (CBHII), each having opposite chain-end specificities. CBHI prefer the reducing ends while CBHII act at non-reducing ends. By the screening of a genomic library from the basidiomycete Pleurotus ostreatus var. florida, we have isolated five cbhI genes, named cbhI1, cbhI2, cbhI3, cbhI4 and cbhI5, proving the occurrence of a multigenic family coding for this enzymatic activity. Using this sequences as probe, it has been possible to know the conditions in which are expressed those genes. This has allowed the synthesis of the each gene cDNA and, by comparison of this sequence with the corresponding genomic sequence, the characterization of their structure. On the other hand, using the RFLP technique and a progeny of 80 monokaryons derived from the dikaryon N001, the five genes have been mapped on the linkage map of P. ostreatus var. florida mapping the cbhI1 to the chromosome IV and the others to the chromosome VI.Publication Open Access Mapping the Pleurotus ostreatus genome(Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa, 2006) Castellón Gadea, Jordi; Pisabarro de Lucas, Gerardo; Ramírez Nasto, Lucía; Producción Agraria; Nekazaritza EkoizpenaPleurotus ostreatus is a commercially important edible mushroom commonly known as oyster mushroom which has also important biotechnical applications. Industrial production of P.ostreatus is based on a solid fermentation process in which a limited number of selected strains are used. Optimization of industrial mushroom production depends on improving the culture process and breeding new strains with higher yields and productivities. In a previous study a linkage map of P. ostreatus strain N001 was constructed, which provided a basis for performing an efficient QTL (Quantitative trait loci) analysis based in a population of 80 sibling monokaryons. The map is based on the segregation of RAPD markers, RFLP markers, phenotypic characters and cloned genes. Nevertheless the linkage map is just a first step towards the selection of the appropiate parentals for new breeds. In order to organize and improve the access to the data and information accumulated in the previous works mentioned above, a Microsoft® Excel Linkage Map Matrix (MELMM) was designed and created. On this linkage map matrix we could have an easy and functional view of the P. ostreatus linkage map data, such as, recombination frequencies, genotypes information and degree of similarity between monokaryons that will help us in the design of breeding crosses aimed at improving QTLs of agronomic interest of new commercial strains.Publication Open Access Identification and functional characterisation of ctr1, a Pleurotus ostreatus gene coding for a copper transporter(Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa, 2006) Peñas Parrila, María Manuela; Azparren Larraya, María Goretti; Domínguez, A.; Sommer, H.; Ramírez Nasto, Lucía; Pisabarro de Lucas, Gerardo; Producción Agraria; Nekazaritza EkoizpenaCopper homeostasis is primordial for life maintenance and especially relevant for ligning-degrading fungi whose phenol-oxidase enzymes depend on this micronutrient for their activity. In this paper we report the identification of a gene (ctr1), coding for a copper transporter in the white rot fungus Pleurotus ostreatus, in a cDNA library constructed from four-days old vegetative mycelium growing in submerged culture. The results presented here indicate that: (1) ctr1 functionally complements the respiratory deficiency of a yeast mutant defective in copper transport supporting the transport activity of the Ctr1 protein; (2) ctr1 transcription is detected in all P. ostreatus developmental stages (with exception of lamellae) and is negatively regulated by the presence of copper in the culture media; (3) ctr1 is a single copy gene that maps to P. ostreatus linkage group III; and (4) the regulatory sequence elements found in the promoter of ctr1 agree with those found in other copper related genes described in other systems. These results provide the first description of a copper transporter in this white rot fungus and open the possibility of further studies on copper metabolism in higher basidiomyetes.Publication Open Access Selection of Pleurotus ostreatus strains in a genetic breeding program(Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa, 2006) Idareta Olagüe, Eneko; Jurado Cabanillas, Javier; Pisabarro de Lucas, Gerardo; Ramírez Nasto, Lucía; Producción Agraria; Nekazaritza EkoizpenaThe basidiomycete Pleurotus ostreatus, commonly known as oyster mushroom, is the second largest edible mushroom crop behind the white button mushroom, Agaricus bisporus. It accounts for nearly one-quarter of the total worldwide mushroom production. Furthermore, P. ostreatus has a high industrial interest because it is a good source of enzymes and other products with biotechnological, industrial and medical applications, it is easy to cultivate and because of its good organoleptic characteristics. Since of 2003, our group research has carried out genetic breeding programs based on the determination of QTLs controlling production and quality in industrial cultures of this fungus. In this breeding program the first test consisted in putting under fructification conditions 130 strains obtained from the crossing of protoclon PC21 (P. ostreatus var. ostreatus wild strain) by a collection of monokarions derived from N001 (P. ostreatus var. florida commercial strain). For this purpose, 2 kg (3 repetitions per strain) bags of industrial sustrate were inoculated and cultivated at 21ºC. Mature fruiting bodies were collected and weighted daily during the fructification period. The second test was made using the six strains that performed the better in Test1, but were cultivated at 18ºC and with 15 repetitions per strain were performed. From this test, three strains were selected and used in Test3. In this test, other three strains obtained from the crossing between monokarions descending of N001 and selectioned for their high growth rate were introduced. In this test the weight of the bags was increased to 5 kg and the cultures were cultivated at 18ºC. The strains obtained from PC21 have good charactericts for mushroom size, with similar behaviour for yield and precocity. The strains obtained from the crosses between N001 descendants have better mushroom size and similar yield and precocity than N001, then breeding was obtained. The candidate strains for next tests are PC21xMA046 and PC21xMA027 for their high yield and the mushroom good features.Publication Open Access Computational prediction of protein-coding gene and annotation of DNA sequences with agronomic interest in Pleurotus ostreatus (Oyster Mushroom)(Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa, 2006) Palma Dovis, Leopoldo; Peñas Parrila, María Manuela; Ramírez Nasto, Lucía; Pisabarro de Lucas, Gerardo; Producción Agraria; Nekazaritza EkoizpenaPleurotus ostreatus, commonly known as oyster mushroom, is a commercially important edible fungus with interesting biotechnological properties. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) analyses are rare in fungi and little is known about their number, position, and genetic structure. Previous studies of our group have allowed the construction of a genetic linkage map of P. ostreatus var. florida, which has provided the basis for performing an efficient QTL analysis. In fact, there is a region of the chromosome VII of P. ostreatus where the most QTLs related to the production and precocity characters have been mapped. These quantitative traits are presumably under the control of a polygenic genetic system and could be associated with some chromosomal regions. The hypothesis of this work is that there is a region in the chromosome VII of protoclon PC15 (monokaryotic parental of the N001 dikaryotic strain) where exist genes which are responsible for the QTLs mentioned above. In order to test this hypothesis, we are developing a molecular QTL analysis through the sequencing of a region with an approximated size of 320 Kbp in chromosome VII (protoclon PC15). For this purpose, a BAC genomic library was constructed and two BAC clones spanning the region of interest are being sequenced. To carry out an efficient computational prediction of protein-coding genes and its annotation on the partial sequences obtained up to date, we have used different Internet resources such as BLASTx, BLASTp, BLASTn, and FGENESH trained on some basidiomycetes genomic data like Phanerochaete chrysosporium and Cryptococcus neoformans (SoftBerry). To our knowledge, this is the firs molecular QTL analysis performed on this edible mushroom.Publication Open Access Dissemination activities and water footprint of the Guadiana Basin(2008) Villarroya, Fermín; Martínez-Santos, Pedro; Martínez Aldaya, Maite; Llamas, Ramón; Nekazaritza Ekoizpena; Institute on Innovation and Sustainable Development in Food Chain - ISFOOD; Producción AgrariaEstudio de huella hídrica en la Cuenca Transfronteriza del GuadianaPublication Open Access The water footprint: measuring water use along supply chains(2010) Martínez Aldaya, Maite; Nekazaritza Ekoizpena; Institute on Innovation and Sustainable Development in Food Chain - ISFOOD; Producción AgrariaPóster sobre la huella hídrica en el consumo y en la producciónPublication Open Access Calibración y evaluación de dos métodos no destructivos de estimación de la producción en praderas polífitas con Lolium sp.(Sociedad Española para el Estudio de los Pastos, 2012) Sáez Istilart, José Luis; Vergara Hernández, Iosu; Canals Tresserras, Rosa María; Producción Agraria; Nekazaritza EkoizpenaEn esta comunicación se expone el trabajo realizado para calibrar y evaluar dos métodos de estimación indirecta de la materia seca presente en praderas polífitas de Lolium sp. La comparativa metodológica se realizó entre un herbómetro por capacitancia y un medidor de altura de la cubierta vegetal por señal láser. Los mejores modelos de predicción se obtuvieron con el herbómetro de capacitancia, con R2 que oscilaron entre 0,579 y 0,798, dependiendo de las variables ambientales incluidas en el modelo, del número de muestras, y del criterio de inclusión de variables en el modelo. La altura de la vegetación medida con la señal láser no intervino como variable independiente en ninguno de los mejores modelos de predicción obtenidos.Publication Open Access Las facerías internacionales en el Pirineo: historia, actualidad y futuro(Sociedad Española para el Estudio de los Pastos, 2012) Razquin Lizarraga, Martín; Aranguren Ibáñez, E.; Taull Taull, M.; Fernández Otal, J.A.; Ferrer Lorés, V.; Gascouat, P.; Canals Tresserras, Rosa María; Derecho Público; Zuzenbide Publikoa; Producción Agraria; Nekazaritza EkoizpenaLa ponencia define el concepto de facería internacional pirenaica y realiza en sus primeros apartados una síntesis histórica de sus orígenes y de su evolución a lo largo de sus ocho siglos de existencia. Se realiza posteriormente una recopilación de las facerías existentes en el Pirineo y de su estado actual de vigencia y se comentan los aspectos más peculiares y particulares de las mismas. En la segunda parte de la ponencia se describe el nuevo marco político-jurídico de las facerías internacionales pirenaicas, se detalla un ejemplo de evolución de una facería actual, plenamente vigente y acorde a los tiempos actuales, la facería de Aezkoa-Cize, y se reflexiona sobre los retos y posibilidades a futuro de estos acuerdos internacionales de origen ancestral.