Libros y capítulos de libros DCIE - ZIES Liburuak eta liburuen kapituluak

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  • PublicationOpen Access
    Narrativas digitales y artes visuales para el aprendizaje de las ciencias
    (Educación Editora, 2021) Napal Fraile, María; Zudaire Ripa, María Isabel; Uriz Doray, Irantzu; Calvelhe Panizo, Lander; Pina Calafi, Alfredo; Armentia, Javier; Ciencias; Zientziak; Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación; Giza eta Hezkuntza Zientziak; Estadística, Informática y Matemáticas; Estatistika, Informatika eta Matematika
    Las narrativas (digitales) permiten construir conocimiento por medio de la organización significativa y creativa de las ideas. Se describe la formación proporcionada a un grupo de docentes para poder realizar narraciones digitales sobre ciencia a través de las artes visuales y plásticas en sus aulas: contenidos mínimos requeridos, dificultades y logros en el proceso.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Polyoxometalates in catalysis
    (Jenny Stanford Publishing, 2022) Alcañiz Monge, Juan; Reinoso, Santiago; Ciencias; Zientziak; Institute for Advanced Materials and Mathematics - INAMAT2
    This chapter will focus on providing a basis for understanding the mechanisms involved in the catalysis carried out by selected polyoxometalate (POM)-based compounds. The catalysts discussed herein will be either insoluble POM salts or POM clusters heterogenized on porous solid supports, including activated carbon materials and metallic oxides such as zirconia. The influence on the catalytic activity of both the POM catalytic species and the active porous support will be the main aspects to be commented and analyzed in detail within the chapter.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Indagación en el aula de ciencias: talleres para la formación del profesorado en activo
    (Educación Editora, 2023) Napal Fraile, María; Zudaire Ripa, María Isabel; Uriz Doray, Irantzu; Ciencias; Zientziak
    Se presentan una serie de talleres destinados a docentes en activo de primaria y primeros cursos de secundaria, para completar su formación para la enseñanza de las ciencias experimentales. En cada uno de los talleres, que funcionan como un bloque de sesiones, se abordan secuencias de aprendizaje de temas científicos concretos: realización de un taller, adaptación individualizada al aula, implementación de las secuencias, evaluación y extracción de conclusiones que sean de aplicación en el siguiente seminario (investigación-acción). Cada bloque completo tiene una duración de un trimestre.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Aprendizaje significativo del medio natural, a través de mapas conceptuales y la narración oral en Educación Infantil: experiencia en el aula
    (Gedisa, 2021) Pérez de Villarreal Zufiaurre, Maider; Ciencias; Zientziak
    El aprendizaje significativo es el punto de inflexión entre el contexto educativo cercano a modelos conductistas y positivistas y otro, cercano a modelos socio-cognitivos y constructivistas, que permiten al alumnado ser capaces de construir y dominar su conocimiento, favoreciendo el espíritu crítico y creativo. Sin embargo, la capacidad de aprender significativamente, no se adquiere fácilmente, sino que requiere de un esfuerzo por parte del alumnado y un cambio de actitud proclive a “aprender a aprender”. Este esfuerzo, no sería necesario si desde la etapa de educación infantil, se familiarizara a los niños y niñas con la construcción de mapas conceptuales para alcanzar un aprendizaje duradero y persistente en su estructura cognitiva. Puesto que en esta etapa gran parte de los niños y niñas aún no saben leer, se pueden realizar mapas conceptuales con imágenes, ayudando con narraciones orales, que favorecerán la asociación de objeto-concepto y significado. En este artículo se narra una experiencia en el aula en la que se combinaron ambas estrategias didácticas, enmarcadas en metodologías activas de cooperación entre pares y constructivismo, y se observó que contribuyeron a aumentar la motivación y el aprendizaje significativo en el área de conocimiento del entorno de Educación Infantil. Si esta estrategia continuara en las siguientes etapas educativas, y se hiciera un seguimiento del alumnado, podría conseguirse una ruptura de los modelos conductistas aún imperantes en la mayor parte de los sistemas educativos, favoreciendo un aprendizaje significativo y más cercano a las necesidades del siglo XXI.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    La emigración en el aula infantil: cuentos didácticos sobre animales migratorios y modelos de conocimiento
    (Thomson Reuters-Aranzadi, 2022) Pérez de Villarreal Zufiaurre, Maider; Ciencias; Zientziak
  • PublicationOpen Access
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Gestión contextualizada del currículum en Educación Infantil
    (Tecnos, 2018) Belletich Ruiz, Olga; Pérez de Villarreal Zufiaurre, Maider; Ciencias; Zientziak
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Nuevas estrategias para la enseñanza de las ciencias naturales en educación superior: aprendizaje significativo sostenible
    (Octaedro, 2022) Pérez de Villarreal Zufiaurre, Maider; Ciencias; Zientziak
  • PublicationOpen Access
    (Wiley, 2019) Palomo, Claudio; Oiarbide, Mikel; García Castillo, Jesús María; Ciencias; Zientziak
    [22082-43-5] C6H10O2 (MW 114.14) InChI = 1S/C6H10O2/c1-4-5(7)6(2,3)8/h4,8H,1H2,2-3H3 InChIKey = CANVUQXZGKVFSR-UHFFFAOYSA-N (electrophilic alkene used as an equivalent of acrylic acid and derived esters in Diels–Alder and 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reactions, as well as conjugate addition reactions of carbon-centered nucleophiles, and also used as a surrogate of acrolein and vinyl ketones)
  • PublicationEmbargo
    Integrating X-ray CT data into models
    (Springer, 2022) Portell Canal, Xavier; Pot, Valérie; Ebrahimi, Ali; Monga, Olivier; Roose, Tiina; Ciencias; Zientziak; Institute on Innovation and Sustainable Development in Food Chain - ISFOOD; Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa
    X-ray Computed Tomography (X-ray CT) offers important 4-D (i.e., 3-D scanning over time) structural information of the soil architecture. This imaging tool provides access to the 3-D morphological properties of the soil pore space such as the 3-D connectivity of pores that are essential to the understanding of water, solute, and gas transport processes. Other morphological properties such as pore-size distribution, specific surface area, or spatial heterogeneity of soil can be obtained from the X-ray CT images. Many studies have used this technique to better understand the evolution of macroscopic soil physical properties such as structural stability and relate it to spatial descriptors of soil pore space morphology when the soil undergoes wetting/drying cycles (e.g., Diel et al., 2019) or when it is subjected to different agricultural practices (e.g., Papadopoulos et al., 2009; Dal Ferro et al., 2013; Caplan et al., 2017). Non-equilibrium transfer processes, such as preferential transport, have also been related to the quantification of macropores in X-ray CT images (e.g., Larsbo et al., 2014; Katuwal et al., 2015; Soto-Gómez et al., 2018). In addition, X-ray CT data have proved particularly useful for reconstructing the skeletons of biopore networks, such as those burrowed by earthworms (Capowiez et al., 1998), and for monitoring their temporal dynamics (Joschko et al., 1993) (see Chap. 10). The role of air-filled soil pores and in particular their connectivity in 3-D in the transport of microbial-generated gaseous products (N2O, CO2) have been hypothesized (Rabot et al., 2015; Porre et al., 2016). X-ray CT data have also provided new knowledge about the 3-D architecture of root systems (e.g., Helliwell et al., 2013) and their impact on the 3-D soil architecture (see Chap. 9). For instance, root hairs were shown to modify the pore-size distribution and connectivity in the rhizosphere (e.g., Keyes et al., 2013; Koebernick et al., 2017, 2019). X-ray CT measurements have also allowed imaging aerenchymatous roots and the gas bubbles entrapped in the soil of rice paddies to explain transport of CO2 and O2 between roots and the atmosphere (Kirk et al., 2019). The dynamics of the spatial dispersion of soil microorganisms could be related to the 3-D description of the pore space obtained by X-ray CT (Juyal et al., 2020). The role of some pore-size classes could also be linked with soil carbon storage (Kravchenko et al., 2020) (see Chap. 10).
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Valorization of material wastes for environmental, energetic and biomedical applications
    (MDPI, 2022) Gil Bravo, Antonio; Ciencias; Zientziak
    This is a reprint of articles from the Special Issue published online in the open access journal Eng-Advances in Engineering (ISSN 2673-4117) (available at: special issues/material wastes).
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Irrigation and SOC sequestration in the region of Navarre in Spain
    (FAO, 2021) Virto Quecedo, Íñigo; Antón Sobejano, Rodrigo; Enrique Martín, Alberto; Orcaray, Luis; Arias Fariñas, Nerea; Ciencias; Zientziak
    The project REGADIOX, funded by the European Commission LIFE Program was based on the establishment of a regional-scale network of representative agricultural plots in three irrigation districts in Navarre (NE Spain). The project allowed for a rational evaluation of soil organic C (SOC) sequestration and greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions balances by using paired comparisons in terms of soil characteristics in irrigated vs rainfed plots. The results showed a clear influence of irrigation in soil condition, arising from greater SOC storage. The net effect was however modulated by soil characteristics and management practices, in so far as the different agricultural strategies did have different potential to sequester SOC and/or reduce GHG emissions. While permanent crops with green cover (which was possible thanks to irrigation) or semi-permanent crops as alfalfa were win-win strategies with positive C balances, intensive systems with two crops per year, although they also contributed to SOC gains, represented increased GHG emissions. The observed changes in SOC associated to irrigation with different managements also showed that irrigation adoption can alter the soils’ capacity to provide key ecosystem services beyond biomass production, as changes in soils properties related to SOC, such as water-holding capacity or soil erodibility were also observed. These changes were, however, not straightforward and varied depending on soil type, climate and time under irrigation.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Synergies between climate change, biodiversity, ecosystem function and services, indirect drivers of change and human well-being in forests
    (Springer, 2021) Imbert Rodríguez, Bosco; Blanco Vaca, Juan Antonio; Candel Pérez, David; Lo, Yueh-Hsin; González de Andrés, Ester; Yeste Yeste, Antonio; Herrera Álvarez, Ximena; Rivadeneira Barba, Gabriela; Liu, Yang; Chang, Shih-Chieh; Ciencias; Zientziak
    Climate change is having impacts on the biodiversity and structure of many ecosystems. In this chapter, we focus on its impacts on forests. We will focus on how the potential climate change impacts on forest biodiversity and structure will have a reflection on the ecosystem services provided by forests, and therefore on the capacity of these ecosystems to support the Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations. The chapter will be organized in three sections, considering boreal, temperate, and tropical forests along each section. The first section will deal with the synergies or interactions between climate change, biodiversity, and ecosystem function with emphasis not only on plants but also on fungi, animals, and prokaryotes. Synergies between climate change and ecosystem services will be described and analyzed in the second section. To better link the first two sections, we will explore the relationships between ecosystem function, species traits, and ecosystem services. Finally, case studies for boreal, Mediterranean, and tropical forests will be presented, emphasizing the synergies between the above factors, the indirect drivers of change (demographic, economic, sociopolitical, science and technology, culture and religion), and human well-being (basic materials for a good life, health, good social relations, freedom of choice and actions) in forests.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Nafarroako landare sorotarrak
    (Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa, 2018) Peralta de Andrés, Francisco Javier; Royuela Hernando, Mercedes; Ciencias; Zientziak
    Liburu honen jatorria Flora Arvense de Navarra webgunea izan da. Weba ikasleei laguntzeko asmoz sortu eta garatu zen; hain zuzen ere, Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoko Nekazaritza Ingeniarien Goi Mailako Eskola Teknikoko ikasleei Nafarroako belar gaiztoen gaineko ezagutza errazteko. Aldi berean, erabilgarria da Nafarroako eta inguruko ikertzaile, teknikari eta nekazarientzat.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Flora arvense de Navarra
    (Universidad Pública de Navarra / Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa, 2018) Peralta de Andrés, Francisco Javier; Royuela Hernando, Mercedes; Ciencias; Zientziak
    El origen de este libro se encuentra en el sitio web de Flora Arvense de Navarra, que fue desarrollado con el objetivo de facilitar el conocimiento de las malas hierbas de Navarra al alumnado de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Agrónomos de la Universidad Pública de Navarra, además de el de ser útil para personal investigador, técnico y agricultores de Navarra y territorios próximos. La edición de este libro se planteó para permitir la disponibilidad del contenido del sitio web en un soporte independiente de Internet.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Legume nitrogen utilization under drought stress
    (Springer, 2018) Castañeda Presa, Verónica; Gil Quintana, Erena; Echeverría Obanos, Andrés; González García, Esther; Ciencias; Zientziak
    Legumes account for around 27% of the world’s primary crop production and can be classified based on their use and traits into grain and forage legumes. Legumes can establish symbiosis with N-fixing soil bacteria. As a result, a new organ is formed, the nodule, where the reduction of atmospheric N2 into ammonia is carried out catalyzed by the bacterial exclusive enzyme nitrogenase. The process, highly energy demanding, is known as symbiotic nitrogen fixation and provides all the N needs of the plant, thus avoiding the use of N fertilizers in the context of sustainable agriculture. However, legume crops are often grown under non-fixing conditions since legume nodulation is suppressed by high levels of soil nitrogen occurring in chemically fertilized agro-environment. In addition, legumes are very sensitive to environmental stresses, being drought one of the significant constraints affecting crop production. Due to their agricultural and economic importance, scientists have carried out basic and applied research on legumes to better understand responses to abiotic stresses and to further comprehend plant–microbe interactions. An integrated view of nitrogen utilization under drought stress will be presented with particular focus on legume crops.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Determinants and tools to evaluate the ecological sustainability of using forest biomass as an alternative energy source
    (2018) Blanco Vaca, Juan Antonio; Candel Pérez, David; Lo, Yueh-Hsin; Ciencias; Zientziak; Gobierno de Navarra / Nafarroako Gobernua, PI037 InFORest
    Forest biomass, the most ancient of fuels, is again in the center of renewable energy production. This chapter provides an introductory view of the main factors that condition the ecological sustainability of this energy source. The basic concepts of ecological sustainability, ecological rotation, and ecological thresholds (among others) are presented. The state of the art on approaches to assess the sustainability of forest biomass production for heat and electricity is discussed, and tools available for decision-makers to evaluate the sustainability of forest biomass production and management are described. This chapter then describes the main advantages and drawbacks of forest certification, growth and yield tables, and ecological models in relationship to their use in sustainable forest management for biomass and energy production.